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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - hunh?

Displaying 1-21 of 21 messages in this thread.
Posted ByDiscussion Topic: hunh?
Harmless Teddy I wish Maynard was still posting here so I could implant my head up his ass.
Needle dick, bear salesman. I think I'm a revolutionary. Actually, I'm a one trick pony.
I enjoy C&BT
posted on 08-05-2001 @ 3:15 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
ok i have searched for threads on this and no help. its 3:00 and still ron and fez. why? sorry if i'm being moronic.

Arpi Karhu Kauppias Forever!!!
graduted by CRXGIRL

AIM- Arpikarhu

posted on 08-05-2001 @ 3:17 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
they run best of from 12-4 on Sundays

graduated by Fez..but that does not make me a bad person.

Harmless Teddy I wish Maynard was still posting here so I could implant my head up his ass.
Needle dick, bear salesman. I think I'm a revolutionary. Actually, I'm a one trick pony.
I enjoy C&BT
posted on 08-05-2001 @ 3:18 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
holy shit!! they changed my schedule at the theater this week and i thought today was monday.
wow, am i screwed up!!

Arpi Karhu Kauppias Forever!!!
graduted by CRXGIRL

AIM- Arpikarhu

The Painter
1/2 a bottle of Jack Daniels... it's a cure-all
posted on 08-05-2001 @ 3:25 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Sep. 00
Now that's funny.

posted on 08-05-2001 @ 6:10 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
lol. what was that about being moronic? :)

Message to those concerned with my smoking habit.... mamma didn't raise no quitter.

I want my two dollars!
posted on 08-05-2001 @ 6:11 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

Now that's funny.

Get your mouse off my sig pic!!
The Sleeper
Being a Minor is a Threat
to my Social Life
PoseUr i ahve 2 threads at teh top, i feel like maynard
posted on 08-05-2001 @ 6:13 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
Looks like someone has a case of the Mondayyyyys...

Sometimes, not often, but sometimes, I like the idea of a chick with a horse.
Harmless Teddy I wish Maynard was still posting here so I could implant my head up his ass.
Needle dick, bear salesman. I think I'm a revolutionary. Actually, I'm a one trick pony.
I enjoy C&BT
posted on 08-05-2001 @ 6:14 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01
they changed the performance schedule for my show for ten weeks. i did 2 shows yesterday and i used to do 2 shows on sunday, therefore today is supposed to be monday. i am such a tool! lol

Hey! does this make me Arpikarhu from the future?

Arpi Karhu Kauppias Forever!!!
graduted by CRXGIRL

AIM- Arpikarhu

posted on 08-05-2001 @ 6:18 PM      
Registered: Nov. 00
that was very funny. I am still chuckeling.
when you said they changed ou schedule at the theater, I thought you worked at a movie theater and was going to as you to sneak me in for free movies.

graduated by Fez..but that does not make me a bad person.

Isles fan for life
posted on 08-05-2001 @ 6:35 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
arpi that was funny. i know how you feel about the days getting mixed up - living in the catskills w/ no tv can do that to ya.
mbn, nice sig. i invented yoda sigs hoo hoo ;) j/k

[email protected]
I'm off to Franklin Pierce College in September. Go Ravens!
NyQuil: Big N, little y, BIG FUCKING Q!
Harmless Teddy I wish Maynard was still posting here so I could implant my head up his ass.
Needle dick, bear salesman. I think I'm a revolutionary. Actually, I'm a one trick pony.
I enjoy C&BT
posted on 08-05-2001 @ 6:56 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

I thought you worked at a movie theater

nah, i'm a stagehand with the show Rent.

Arpi Karhu Kauppias Forever!!!
graduted by CRXGIRL

AIM- Arpikarhu

posted on 08-05-2001 @ 7:49 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Aug. 00
Damn man, this may very well be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen posted...

Why fucking bother

"Think before you write" - Froy

E-Mail Me

posted on 08-05-2001 @ 8:35 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01

In another thread talking about drug use, Arpi said:
i was once on acid and a buddy and i went to riverside park to hang. after a while we realized we had been there for hours and that our girlfriends were gonna be pissed. we went home and found out we had only been gone 20 minutes.

There seems to be this pattern with you and loss of time. Will you continue to fool yourself into thinking drugs aren't harmfull??

o&aswallow Recognized His Destiny Early.
Too Many Hotties, Not Enough Horny Goat Weed

Now accepting foster children applications. Cash only, no checks.
Email at [email protected]

Frat Guy has rented one of the foster bedrooms as of 7/21. Yes ladies, another college boy is in town for you to ravage.

It at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed. - Curly Howard.

Pennsylvania resident, but original NYC listener.
Harmless Teddy I wish Maynard was still posting here so I could implant my head up his ass.
Needle dick, bear salesman. I think I'm a revolutionary. Actually, I'm a one trick pony.
I enjoy C&BT
posted on 08-06-2001 @ 1:29 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Apr. 01

There seems to be this pattern with you and loss of time. Will you continue to fool yourself into thinking drugs aren't harmfull??

nice pick up, deeeek!

Arpi Karhu Kauppias Forever!!!
graduted by CRXGIRL

AIM- Arpikarhu

Isles fan for life
posted on 08-06-2001 @ 1:52 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
[mr. mackey] uh drugs are bad, mmmmmkay? [/mr. mackey]

(geez, i'm getting out of hand w/ these voices)

[email protected]
I'm off to Franklin Pierce College in September. Go Ravens!
NyQuil: Big N, little y, BIG FUCKING Q!
King f-tard
posted on 08-06-2001 @ 8:18 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Feb. 01
DZ, you do such a great voice though.

I love time loss due to drugs and alcohol. I have many, many days from college that are lost and that I will never get back. Ah, those were the days.

I am now looking for young f-tards to mold and shape for our community.
If you are interested in adoption, IM me Or E-Mail Me

I have that dead intern chained up in my basement.
And your point is???

Isles fan for life
posted on 08-06-2001 @ 1:11 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
thanks king. and don't worry, most of the shit you forget tends to be the stuff worth forgetting.

[email protected]
I'm off to Franklin Pierce College in September. Go Ravens!
NyQuil: Big N, little y, BIG FUCKING Q!
posted on 08-06-2001 @ 1:31 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Jan. 01
Now if only some of those forgotten things could have been like Billy Idols lost memories...

It looks just like a TeleFunken U-47, you'll love it.
With leather?
SAGILLID The Midget Message Board Mauler rides his trusty mount Wilbur once again!! Internet Idiots beware!!
posted on 08-06-2001 @ 1:33 PM      
O&A Board Veteran
Registered: Dec. 00

i did 2 shows yesterday and i used to do 2 shows on sunday, therefore today is supposed to be monday. i am such a tool!

#1 - Yes, you're a tool (tell me you didn't see that coming
Letter B- I guess you role as the lead Trannie in Le Cauge a Tutu is starting to get to you.....Damn. Maybe you should take a vacation. ;)

Into each person's life a little pain must fall.
I'm just here to administer it.

Black Lazerus
posted on 08-06-2001 @ 1:41 PM      
Registered: May. 01
So stop acting stupid
You so high
That you might wake up with a guy
On some new shit


I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whities I see,
I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whities I see.
When I kill all the whities I see, then whitey he won't bother me,
I'm gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whities I see.

Then I'll get a white woman who's wearing a navy blue sweater.

crx girl
Newbie! vg Y's me
ugo girl
Limey Mothercocker
posted on 08-06-2001 @ 2:36 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
i'm so proud of you arpi. who'd a thought, i'd adopt someone as scatterbrained as me :)

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. --Victor Hugo
regardless of my status, i am a nice person. no really, i am, i swear;) crack hitler belongs to me :)

Displaying 1-21 of 21 messages in this thread.