Posted By | Discussion Topic: Kurt Angle, RVD, and Booker T |
TeenWeek what's a status? | posted on 11-08-2001 @ 9:47 AM | |
O&A Board Regular Registered: Oct. 00
 | What happened?
First Booker T. He was getting a big push against the Rock and now he is at best a midcarder getting squashed by the Big SHow.
RVD, this guy was getting a huge push and the fans were loving him. Now he is out of the Main Event and is a midcarder.
Kurt Angle. He was getting a huge push, main eventing on PPV's won the title and had a huge feud with Austin. Now he is Austin's flunky again, He gets stunned by Austin on Smackdown tonight and Undertaker easily gets out of his ankle lock and shows no signs that it even hurt his ankle. Angle looks like a big pussy now. His heel change made absolutely positvely no sense whatsoever.
Everyone knows it was a swerve because everyone was expecting Jericho, which it should have been. Sometimes the best storyline is the one everyone know is going to happen and expects to happen. The only other guy it would have worked for is the Rock, but why would Mr. popularity want to go heel for the good of the company.
The WWF is in deep trouble. Having a separate WCW show would be as watchable as Excess. Do you honestly think, Austin would be on a B show. Hell no! You don't think they want RVD to get full exposure. Hell Yeah! Is Angle just going to disappear? What! No absolutely not.
Trim the roster. If Stephanie needs to be on tv, Let Stephanie start banging Kurt Angle and have HHH come back and take Angle out in his first feud.
The WWF is in trouble. IT is nowhere near as bad as the end of WCW. If you have all of this goddamn talent, USE IT! Cut the bullshit storylines and go back to the days of WWF ATTITUDE.
| posted on 11-08-2001 @ 10:55 AM | |
O&A Board Regular Registered: Jul. 01
 | quote:
Do you honestly think, Austin would be on a B show. Hell no!
I agree with you on that. It is the main reason why I think that eithier Austin is going to jump ship like Vince said he was, or the Rock is going to jump ship to the Alliance beause nithier one of these guys wants to be on the B-show.
rageparty 123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again I also have an imaginary girlfriend. | posted on 11-08-2001 @ 7:01 PM | |
O&A Board Regular Registered: Aug. 01
 | Well, what are you going to do? Angle has already feuded with Austin, and people were getting mad about how it was caryying on. Booker can't feud with any main eventer right now, Rocky & Jericho are battling. Its looking quite obvious the Big Show is coming baack to the top. Booker is feuding with him and he got the 5th spot on team WWF.
As for RVD, well he hasn't gotten anything after No Mercy. There's a problem there.
I'm a fist of rage
One foot in the grave
I'm a fist of rage
Far from saved
I'm a fist of rage
In a broken state!
I'm a razor blade slittin!
Through a wrist of hate
I'm a fist of rage
I'm a fist of rage
I'm a fist of rage!