Psychopath Registered: Feb. 01
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- Recently deceased former pro wrestler Wahoo McDaniel's funeral will take place Pipkin Funeral Home in Midland, TX at 2pm this coming Saturday. The funeral will be open to the public and you can send flowers to this address if you wish: 2508 N. Big Spring St., Midland, TX 79705.
- In a recent article, it was revealed that Lita's neck injury is much more
seriously than first anticipated. A CAT scan revealed three cracked vertebrae in her neck which may need surgery to repair. Lita is scheduled to meet with Dr. Lloyd Youngblood to determine if surgery is needed and if they do go that route, the time she will be out of action will be comparable to that of Steve Austin, Chris Benoit and Rhyno, ie. upwards of six months.
- There are rumors that the Judgment Day main event will be a four way match
that will feature Hulk Hogan defending against Undertaker, Triple H and Chris Jericho.
Sunday Night Heat Spoilers:
Report by: Dan the Man, reporter
Heat: Crash Holly vs. Bossman
Bossman shoves Crash across the ring. Crash looks for a scoop slam, but Bossman punches him down. Hammerlock by Bossman, but Crash climbs to the top, only for Bossman to toss him from his perch. Splash in the corner by Bossman 1-2-kickout 1-2-kickout. Crash fights back with punches, but still can't get that scoop slam. Bossman shows him how it's done, but misses the elbow drop. Big boot by Bossman, then a hiptoss. Kneedrop by Bossman, then the a reverse chin lock. Crash low blows Bossman, only to be boot choked into the corner. Elbows to the back by Bossman, but Crash starts fighting back. Bossman runs and Crash catches him with a scoop slam! Dropkick by Crash, but then he runs into the Bossman Slam 1-2-3!
Heat: Justin Credible vs. Tommy Dreamer
Tommy starts with a headlock, then a shoulder block, then a hiptoss. Scoop slam by Tommy. Outside, Tommy smacks JC down and tosses him back into the ring. Tommy kicks Credible onto the ropes and then bounces them into his genetalia. Suplex by Dreamer 1-2-shoulder up. Credible rams Tommy into the ringpost, then stomps on the shoulder that made impact. Pulling slam 1-2-shoulder up. Credible goes outside and wraps Tommy's shoulder around the ringpost. Back inside, he drags Tommy down and wrenches the shoulder. Tommy fights up and out, only for Justin to hit him with a DDT 1-2-kickout. Punches by Credible, but Tommy ducks one and clotheslines him out of the ring. Credible chokes Tommy on the ropes and runs in, only to be caught with a spinebuster, but neither man can capitalize. Punches by Dreamer, then a swinging neckbreaker. Powerslam by Dreamer 1-2-shoulder up. Dreamer DDT 1-2-shoulder up. Tommy goes second rope and leaps, but Credible SuperKicks him out of the air 1-2-shoulder up! Credible can't believe it. He pulls Tommy up, but Tommy floats over his back and hits a Death Valley Driver 1-2-3!
Heat: Eddie Guerrero vs. D'Lo Brown
They lock up, with Eddie scoring a headlock takedown. Shoulder block by Eddie, then a snapmare into a sleeper. D'Lo catches him with an armdrag, then another. Eddie fights out and punches away, but D'Lo catches him with a back elbow. Flying clothesline by D'Lo 1-2-shoulder up. D'Lo with a spinning sidewalk slam 1-2-shoulder up. Punches by D'Lo, but Eddie hits an elbow that falls D'Lo. Overhead punches by Eddie, then a back suplex. He hits the slingshot senton and starts stomping away. Abdominal stretch by Eddie, but D'Lo is able to flip him over. Eddie with a snapmare and a bootscrape. Powerslam by D'Lo 1-2-shoulder up. Eddie chops away and hits a clothesline, then a dropkick to the back of the head 1-2-shoulder up. Sleeper applied by Guerrero. Eddie pulls D'Lo up, only to be hit with a jumping calf kick. Back body drop by D'Lo, then a scoop slam and the famous legdrop 1-2-kickout. D'Lo 'buckles Eddie and goes up with him for a SuperPlex, but Eddie headbutts him off the top and leaps, but rolls through when D'Lo moves. Eddie hits an Acid Drop and goes up top, scoring with the Frog Splash 1-2-3!
Heat: Steven Richards vs. Raven
The new-look Steven Richards comes down and asks for some mic time. There is a man who has soiled the reputation of a solid citizen, a pillar of the community. Two weeks ago, Raven called him "Wacko Stevie Richards." Well his mind and body are in the best shape of their lives. If Raven wants to make comments behind the announce table, why doesn't he come into the ring. Raven takes off his headset and gets in the ring, as Steven shouts "I'm not a wacko!" Raven gets in and immediately gets stomped. The bell rings. Bulldog by Raven for a one count. Stevie gets in a kick but runs into a clotheslien for another one count. Chops by Raven, but Stevie hits a boot. They both tumble over the top when Stevie clotheslines Raven. Back in the ring, Stevie pins 1-2-shoulder up. Stevie calls for the end and hits a suplex. Sidewalk slam 1-2-shoulder up. Chops by Stevie, then a Sunset Flip, but Raven immediately gets out. Punches in the corner by Raven, then a back body drop. Off-the-rope clothesline, then the hard knee 1-2-shoulder up. Raven looks for the DDT, but Tommy rams him into the corner. He sets for the StevieKick, but Raven sidesteps him and hits the Evenflow 1-2-3!
2002 Crack Committee Objectives:
1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year
2. Hate the Braves with a passion
3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year
4. Mets win World Series
5. Hopefully come up with a better name for the Crack Commitee than something the Mad Dog came up with. Come on!
Psychopath Registered: Oct. 01
![](images/whois.gif) | - In a recent article, it was revealed that Lita's neck injury is much more
seriously than first anticipated. A CAT scan revealed three cracked vertebrae in her neck which may need surgery to repair. Lita is scheduled to meet with Dr. Lloyd Youngblood to determine if surgery is needed and if they do go that route, the time she will be out of action will be comparable to that of Steve Austin, Chris Benoit and Rhyno, ie. upwards of six months.
Ah, so THAT's why the women's wrestling has been getting better.
This is great news. Now all that needs to happen is for about half the roster to suffer the same injury (starting with HHH), and the WWF might start cranking out some good programming again.
"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem |