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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Low Raw Rating Hits WWE Hard, Updates on Goldberg, Booking

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Low Raw Rating Hits WWE Hard, Updates on Goldberg, Booking
Hello! Hello! Diamond Dust! Hello!
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 9:49 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01
The 3.7 rating that RAW scored this week shocked WWE management this week and there is now a very serious concern among them that the product needs to change. Despite knowing that a problem exists, it still seems as if the company does not know what to do to turn things around.

Giving Paul Heyman control of the creative aspects is one possible option for WWE. The situation is becoming similar to the WWF of 1996. At that time, things were going extremely bad for the WWF and they decided to go in a completely different, more edgy, direction and give most of the creative control to Vince Russo. It worked and the WWF was able to turn things around. The general feeling is that something similar to that is needed again now.

Most also feel that Goldberg's asking price has now gone up since WWE is in a somewhat desperate state to bring in someone of his name value that can boost ratings.

Credit: and

Well, thank God. I say everyone boycott the program until the ratings are so low, there is NO hesitation whatsoever to change the product. Looks like Daddy's Little Princess is finally gonna be ousted as head writer. God, I hope it's true. And Heyman doing it with Vince filtering out all the stupidity that can come out of his mind, like Vince filtered out the occasional stupidity of Russo in the "glory days," leaving hopefully only the brilliant part of Heyman on TV is more than a step in the right direction. The best thing about Heyman is he'll get some guys elevated. Here's hoping this change happens sooner rather than later.

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:
1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year
2. Hate the Braves with a passion
3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year
4. Mets win World Series
5. Hopefully come up with a better name for the Crack Commitee than something the Mad Dog came up with. Come on!
what's a status?
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 10:01 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Oct. 00
I actually thought this was the best raw since the split. As stated in another thread, I like the Eddie Guerrero and Austin feud even though it took 2 hours of singing to get there. I like Raven saying how out of touch with reality, Lawler is by screaming puppies for 90% of Raw. I like a real feud now for Brock with Bubba ray Dudley. I like RVD getting a title shot. Hope this continues with a match at the PPV. Or if Undertaker beats HHH at the PPV have RVD win the King of the Ring and he gets to face Undertaker the following month. I like Paul heyman stalking Trish. I know most hate it, but Booker is doing some great work with Goldust. He is funny as hell.

It is not the best, but it is a step in the right direction.

Xtreme Skiing Assualt Force
Split Personality #1
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 12:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
TW is right on...RAW was pretty good monday. Sure it wasn't awesome, or the best ever, but they put on a solid show for 2hours. Things I didn't like included a bar scene (or 5)...other than that, teh show was right on. Booker in the NWO is a good thing, not a bad thing, it brings them some credibility, and a solid worker now that Hall is gone.

123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 2:21 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
I'm not worried, when the WWF is in a huge shithole they always come through. Remember when the InVasion was sucking ass and they came up with that amazing RAW and reformed ECW? The rest of the angle sucked but it was a huge RAW. It got my attention back. I'm sure something huge will happen. Maybe HHH joining nWo, Austin fights Eddie Guererro and Goldberg screws Austin, Steiner comes to the WWF or something like that... If they put Heyman back where he belongs, something good will happen.

Shit Can Happen

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:


1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year


2. Hate the Braves with a passion


3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year


4. Mets win World Series!!!


5. Root for and support Mike Piazza...
regardless of his sexual preference

123...Not so bare anymore since I got a number underneath my name again
I also have an imaginary girlfriend.
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 4:59 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 01
Actually, maybe the WWF should send the current superstars to OVW and get all of the stars in this following event a shot in the Big League. This event sounds awsome. Great to see that Kanyon is back and that Main Event looks phenomenal!!

OVW TV Taping
Jeffersonville, IN
Aaron "Lurch" Wilson
[email protected]

-An excellent night of Ohio Valley Wrestling as it was the last show before
the big Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom Show on 5/31 involving Mick Foley.

-Kanyon vs. The Prototype w/ Kenny Bolin

-The night opened off with a very familiar "Who better than Kanyon" over
the speakers as Chris Kanyon made his way back to the squared circle in the
same city that he left, and is once again 100% in the ring. The two opened
off working on each others arms, with Kanyon getting the early headlock
takedown. Kanyon then pulled off a very nice leg rollup pin, but only gained
a two count. Kanyon continued his offensive attack with a big swinging neck
breaker and basically dominated the offense the entire match. Prototype
almost saw the light of offense as he went for a top rope diving headbutt
but only met the canvas face first, as Kanyon avoided his attack. Kanyon
then went to the top rope and attempted to pull off a high risk manuever of
his own, but Prototype knocked the ropes and sent Kanyon straight down, as
he racked himself on the top rope. Prototype then pulled off a successful
Superplex, but only gained a two count. Kenny "the King" Bolin then got on
the ring apron and distracted the ref and Kanyon, who drilled Bolin right in
his face, but this distraction was enough of one as Kanyon was met with
Prototype's Protoplex and the pinfall.

-Winner via pinfall Prototype

-Shelton Benjamin & Redd Dogg w/ Nidia vs. Jason Lee & Johnny Spade

-The dark match started off with Shelton and Spade going at it with some
quick technical work ending with Shelton getting the advantage along with a
great ovation after a huge armdrag to Spade. The offense continued on Spade
as Redd Dogg was tagged in and the two delivered a huge double team hiptoss
to Johnny. Jason Lee was eventually brought into the match as he worked
Shelton into the corner. Shelton went to the top rope, as Spade attempted to
hit Shelton down but to no avail as Shelton successfully walked the ropes by
himself and delivered a big clothesline to Jason Lee. As much as the team of
Lee and Spade tried they continually failed as Redd Dogg pulled off a "Snow
Plow" with Shelton following with a splash to pick up the win.

-Winners via pinfall Shelton & Redd Dogg

-Next Jim Cornette was joined in the ring with the one and only Jim Ross.
Jim Ross was there because the WWE heard word of Nova and how great he has
made an impact already in OVW and the WWE offices. Nova was introduced and
Ross delivered the personal message to Nova that he's got the WWE's
attention as well as the fact that Rey Mysterio Jr. was signed to the WWE
not to long ago and he will be taking on Nova in a respect match tonight in
the main event. Cornette goes on to plug the Title defense squaring the
champion Nova against Prototype on 5/31 with Mick Foley as the guest referee
at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. Almost immediately Prototype and Kenny Bolin
came storming to the ring. Prototype said that Nova was lucky he wasn't
locked up since he stole his belt last week and that he would get what he
deserved at the Six Flags show on 5/31. Prototype ended his ranting by
saying that his main event match with Rey Jr. would suck, Nova immediately
responded with "I'd rather suck than blow" sending Prototype into a furious
tantrum in which he had to be dragged to the back.

-Rob Conway vs. Flash

-The two opened off this match, which has been an ongoing fued over the past
few weeks with an all out brawl all over the ring. No basic clinic wrestling
here, just punches and kicks as the two released their agression. Flash
eventually whipped Conway off the ropes, which was reversed, but Flash
countered with a backflip over Conway landing oddly on his foot. Flash, then
stumbled around a bit on his bad foot, but Conway knew Flash's intentions
and didn't let down. Flash then prooved his playing of possum and went to
kick Conway, but Conway stopped it and attacked Flash again. Flash almost
came back, but Rob moved out of the way of his Whiplash attempt sending
Flash crashing down to the canvas. Eventually Trailer Park Trash came down
to the ring, and so did Nick Dinsmore, and for some reason unbeknownst to me
the ref decided to make it a tag match. Dinsmore and Trash got in the ring
and went at it with each other and the teams really started to get
aggressive at this point. The match although ended as TPT got out a pair of
knucks and tried to use them on Dinsmore but Dinsmore stopped hiim and took
the knucks for himself. The ref then turned around to see Dinsmore with the
knucks and disqualified Dinsmore and Conway.

-Winners via DQ Flash and Trailer Park Trash

-Cornette was joined in the ring with Damaja, Doug Basham and Queen
Victoria. The Revolution was being reminded that they lost their tag titles
recently at the WWE house show as Cornette basically went off on Basham and
the others. Damaja then got on the mic and claimed that they demanded a
rematch and one very soon. Danny Davis, apparently upset by these demands
ran into the ring and got on the mic and went off on the Revolution as well.
In the end, Davis told all three that they were FIRED immediately from OVW
as the team of refs escorted them out of the facility. Vey interesting
development and hopefully for the better of this trio.

-Johnny Jeter vs. Sean O'Haire

-This was your typical Squash match with the up and coming Jeter getting
every thing but the kitchen sink tossed at him by O'Haire. He was literally
destroyed, but did manage to put up somewhat of a fight. O'Haire pulled off
a very nice second rope snapmare to the sitting Jeter. He thing picked him
up and delivered his Death Valley Driver finish and picked up the pinfall.

-Winner via pinfall Sean O'Haire

-Jim Cornette was joined in the ring with Damien, Seven and Synn for another
in ring interview segment. Cornette opened off by stating that Leviathan,
known in WWE as Deacon Bautista will be allowed to return to OVW for one
more show, which will be on 5/31 and will apparently be taking on Seven.
Seven then cut a promo talking about himself as the new member of the
Deciples of Synn and also ran down the "Seven deadly Sins". Crowd really
hated the new Deciples of Synn the entire time.

-Nova vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

-This was one of the best technical/reversal respect matches I've ever had
the privelege to witness in person and one of the best matches I've seen in
OVW in quite a while. The two started off trading headlock takedowns and
continued the reversals to a great ovation as the two ended up on their
feet. The two locked up in a test of strength, which ended with Rey Jr. on
the shoulders of Nova, who then went down with a rollup gaining a near three
count from referee Robert Brisko. The non stop action continued as Nova
stopped a suplex attempt by dropping Mysterio down hard on the top rope. He
then reversed another move into an STF applying the hold for a good amount
of time. At this point the crowd started to respectfully get behind Rey Jr.
as he got out of the hold. The two continued trading another excellent
series of reversals as well as many pinfall attempts to only pull out a two
count. Rey Jr. was whipped off the ropes and went in for a flying cross body
to Nova, but he ducked out of the way, but Referee Rober Brisko recieved the
blow, sending him down to the mat, taking him out. Kenny Bolin, Prototype
and Sean O'Haire immediately stormed the ring attacking Nova as Rey Jr.
slowly made it to his feet. Rey Mysterio Jr. then went at it to take out
Bolin Services helping Nova back up to his feet. Rey helped fight back
delivering his leg swing through the ropes into a kick to the face of
O'Haire and contined by whipping Nova into the corner forcing him to slide
his legs right into the crotch of Prototype. Considering the following the
match didn't have a winner as it was out of respect, but was one great way
to conclude an excellent night of Ohio Valley Wrestling.

-No Winner via interference
Credit: RajahWWF.Com

Shit Can Happen

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:


1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year


2. Hate the Braves with a passion


3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year


4. Mets win World Series!!!


5. Root for and support Mike Piazza...
regardless of his sexual preference

posted on 05-23-2002 @ 5:35 PM      
Registered: Jan. 02
I've said that for the longest time, elevate talent you already have rather than hiring some high priced ego machine....My guess is they are waiting to see how the current people they brought up from OVW work out, who knows, if they succeed they might wind up bringing in more people.

Trust Me!
posted on 05-23-2002 @ 9:45 PM      
Registered: Oct. 01
Well, thank God. I say everyone boycott the program until the ratings are so low, there is NO hesitation whatsoever to change the product.

This might work - in theory. However, with the same creative crew in place, we're back in the same hole we're in now. Which brings me to my next point:

Looks like Daddy's Little Princess is finally gonna be ousted as head writer. God, I hope it's true.

So do I. But I'll believe it when I see it. Even though, I might not believe it. Nepotism is a very dark and sinister thing, and I really don't think that Vince will do the right thing when it comes to firing his own flesh and blood. You know how a bunch of people always go, "Vince is a businessman, he'll fire his daughter if he has to!" Will he? The further the WWF sinks into the pits of hell each day, I begin to look at Vince McMahon, and I really begin to believe that he's NOT the best businessman in the world. That he's NOT some sort of genius, just a man who was just smart enough to keep himself afloat while his poorly managed competition self-imploded due to their own internal pressures. Let's be honest - ECW & WCW were NOT killed by Vince. ECW died because Heyman couldn't managed a checkbook and tried to push wastes like Justin Credible as top tier talent. WCW failed because they had TOO MUCH money to play with, didn't spend it wisely, and then couldn't figure out how to manage the company because no one at Corporate really knew how (nor cared to know) how to run the business to make a profit.

So I don't know, at this point, if Vince will fire his daughter. If it was up to me, I'd fire the ENTIRE creative crew, as it's painfully obvious that they do NOT know how to get the job done.

And Heyman doing it with Vince filtering out all the stupidity that can come out of his mind, like Vince filtered out the occasional stupidity of Russo in the "glory days," leaving hopefully only the brilliant part of Heyman on TV is more than a step in the right direction. The best thing about Heyman is he'll get some guys elevated. Here's hoping this change happens sooner rather than later.

It kind of bugs me when anyone in the wrestling media or amongst the fans refers to the Russo era as the "glory years" of the WWF. Russo was NEVER any good. If Vince was the buffer to filter Russo's ideas through, I'd hate to see some of the dumb shit that got rejected, cause what made it to TV was pretty awful.

I don't know if Heyman is the answer either...he's better than Russo, sure, but I'm not so sure giving Paul the book is the right thing to do.

If they want to make progress here, turn things around, I suggest only two things:
1. Instead of a major change to the product, change the creative team (change the booker and the product will follow).
2. Stop screwing up the established stars you already have. Do not push one individual ad nauseum at the expense of someone more valuable. Examples: HHH does not need to be more over, thus make his bloated ass job cleanly once in a while. Stop treating Angle as a joke. Make Austin happy. Don't ever, ever, ever do something stupid like take Chris Jericho (the former Undisputed champion and the guy who should be main eventing Smackdown, if not most WWF PPVs) AND MAKE HIM HAVE TO ACT LIKE FUCKING MARK HENRYS BITCH!!!!!


They need to start using a little common sense. Go ahead and push RVD & Edge if you want. But don't feed us Bradshaw or Mark Henry.

"Being a bastard WORKS."
--Spider Jerusalem
Hello! Hello! Diamond Dust! Hello!
posted on 05-24-2002 @ 10:48 AM      
Registered: Feb. 01

It kind of bugs me when anyone in the wrestling media or amongst the fans refers to the Russo era as the "glory years" of the WWF. Russo was NEVER any good. If Vince was the buffer to filter Russo's ideas through, I'd hate to see some of the dumb shit that got rejected, cause what made it to TV was pretty awful.

Hey, listen you won't hear me sing the praises of Russo often, but I will say that when Vince buffered his ideas, he was much more watchable than the stupid ideas he showed in WCW. Now, I will admit that Vince let some pretty stupid ideas go through (Mark Henry and the transvestite anyone?), but you can't deny there was some good there, the whole Rock-Shane-Corporation thing was one of the best organized storylines you'll ever see on a wrestling program. Heyman has the same capacity for great storytelling, he just, like Russo, can be really fucking ponderous about 50 to 60% percent of the time. That's hy vince filtering will help. Plus, Vince becomes a bit less involved in coming up with the storylines than he is now when he lets it up to ONE guy, so that's another plus.

And I doubt he'll fire Steph, he'll just take her away from writing. With someone else writing, thus keeping it from being a situation where a writer abuses power, believe it or not, I think her character can be a good one, and ,yes, there's no underestimnating the "I'll watch cuz she's a POA" factor as well.

And I agree a new direction isnt needed, but certainly a new system of writing is needed ASAP.

And you people must be on crack to think Raw was good Monday. CRACK.

2002 Crack Committee Objectives:
1. 94 Wins and NL East Title by the Mets this year
2. Hate the Braves with a passion
3. All 5 Starters have winning records this year
4. Mets win World Series
5. Boo that piece of shit Rey Ordonez, regardless of his sexuality and/or deadbeat dad status.

Displaying 1-8 of 8 messages in this thread.