O&A Board Regular Registered: Dec. 00
 | RVD Continues to steam roll in 2002. With the first half of 2002 done, RVD has accumulated 40 points. He is on pace for 80 points. In 1999 The Rock finished 1st with 57 points, The Rock finished first in 2000 with 59 points. and Chris Jericho finished first in 2001 with 60 points. RVD is on pace to crush that record.
1. Rob Van Dam____________________ 20-5_____40
2. Booker T_______________________ 13-12-1__27
3. Stone Cold Steve Austin________ 9-2-3___21
4. Trish Stratus__________________ 10-10____20
5. Jeff Hardy_____________________ 9-6-0___18
6. Spike Dudley___________________ 9-7-0___18
7. William Regal__________________ 8-8-2___18
8. Jazz___________________________ 8-1-1___17
9. Brock Lesnar___________________ 8-2-0___16
10. X-Pac__________________________ 7-5-2___16
11. Undertaker_____________________ 7-2-0___14
12. The Big Show___________________ 6-7-2___14
13. Bubba Ray Dudley_______________ 6-14-2__14
14. Chuck__________________________ 6-1_____12
15. Chris Jericho__________________ 6-2_____12
16. Billy__________________________ 6-3_____12
17. Matt Hardy_____________________ 6-5_____12
18. Eddie Guerrero_________________ 5-4-0___10
19. Goldust________________________ 5-7-0___10
20. Tazz___________________________ 4-2______8
21. Triple H_______________________ 4-2______8
22. Kane___________________________ 4-3______8
23. Molly Holly____________________ 4-5______8
24. Kurt Angle_____________________ 4-6______8
25. Scott Hall_____________________ 3-4-2____8
26. Hulk Hogan_____________________ 3-1-1____7
27. Bradshaw_______________________ 3-8-1____7
28. Christopher Nowitski___________ 3-0______6
29. Test___________________________ 3-1______6
30. The Rock_______________________ 3-3______6
31. Steven Richards________________ 3-4______6
32. Edge___________________________ 3-4______6
33. Christian______________________ 3-4______6
34. Stacy Keibler__________________ 2-0______4
35. Kevin Nash_____________________ 2-1______4
36. Tommy Dreamer__________________ 2-3______4
37. Raven__________________________ 2-6______4
38. Al Snow________________________ 1-0-1____3
39. Mr. Perfect____________________ 1-6-1____3
40. Jerry The King Lawler__________ 1-0______2
41. Vince McMahon__________________ 1-0______2
42. D'Lo Brown_____________________ 1-0______2
43. Linda Miles____________________ 1-0______2
44. Justin Credible________________ 1-1______2
45. Diamond Dallas Page____________ 1-1______2
46. Lita___________________________ 1-1______2
47. The Godfather__________________ 1-2______2
48. Jacquelyn______________________ 1-3______2
49. Crash Holly____________________ 1-4______2
50. Lance Storm____________________ 1-5______2
51. Val Venis______________________ 0-0-1____1
52. Maven__________________________ 0-1-1____1
53. Ric Flair______________________ 0-4-1____1
54. Tajiri_________________________ 0-1______0
55. The Hurricane__________________ 0-1______0
56. Torrie Wilson__________________ 0-1______0
57. Ivory__________________________ 0-1______0
58. Stephanie McMahon______________ 0-1______0
59. Jackie Gayla___________________ 0-1______0
60. Chris Benoit___________________ 0-1______0
61. Big Bossman____________________ 0-2______0
62. Scotty Too Hotty_______________ 0-2______0
63. Albert_________________________ 0-2______0
64. Terri__________________________ 0-3______0
65. Faarooq________________________ 0-3______0
66. D-Von Dudley___________________ 0-4______0
67. Shawn Stasiak__________________ 0-6______0
68. Rikishi________________________ 0-6______0