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![](images/whois.gif) | WCW Greed PPV Results
Reported By: Keith Wilcutt
Jacksonville, Florida 3/18/01
Last Ever WCW PPV?
This is labled as an unannounced bonus match:
Kwee hammers Jett in the opening moments. Jett then fights back and nails Kwee from the top-rope. Jett hits a nice pendilum swing on Kwee. Jett then drops an elbow, but then stumbles and Kwee takes advantage of that. Kwee tosses Jett to the floor by the hair. Kwee goes for the suicide dive but he misses. Jett is able to get back to his feet. Jett then hits a DDT on the steel floor. Jett then hits the afterburner. Standing moonsault by Jett. Kwee kicks out of the pin.
Jett is then tossed out of the ring and onto the floor. Kwee is out of control now choking Jett with a camera cord. Jett is thrown hard into the rail outside the ring.
Kwee continues to go for pinfalls but is not able to keep Jett down. Kwee hits a double reverse from the top for a spinning flip. Both men are down. Jett hits a low blow. Both men hit several roll up's, but neither man is able to hold the other down. Jason Jett hits the crash landing and scores the win.
Winner: Jason Jett
This match is to crown the first ever Cruiserweight Tag Champs. Romeo and Kidman start this one out. Romeo tries a right hand, but Kidman reverses. Kidman hits a head scissors takeover. Kidman nails Romeo with a big foot. Elix and Romeo double team Kidman and Elix goes for a quick pin. Kidman kicks out.
Rey Jr. gets the tag and Rey quickly hits the guiltine leg drop. Nice move by Rey as he takes Elix to the outside and then nails a baseball slide kick. They are battling up the ramp. Romeo runs up the ramp to assist Elix. Rey brings Elix back to the ring but is unable to get the 3 count.
Romeo finally gets the tag. He now hammers on Kidman. I like Romeo. Romeo begins to dominate the match hitting several moves. Romeo hooks on a front suplex. Romeo goes for an arrogant cover. Elix is now in. These guys are going at it. Romeo has great heat. Romeo is working over Kidman in the corner. Prime Time now gets in and nails Kidman on the outside of the ring. Kidman finally hits a situp powerbomb from the top!
Kidman gets the tag to Rey. Romeo is in. Rey nails Romeo. Spinning DDT by Rey Jr. Prime Time is still in. Elix hits the ringpost hard. Rey leaps out of the ring onto Elix. Romeo nails Rey on the outside. Kidman then hits a shooting star to the floor. Bodies are everywhere.
Rey hits a powerbomb from the top, but Romeo makes the save. Elix is finally able to hook a full nelson on Jr. Kidman makes the save. Reverse suplex by Kidman. Great Action, Elix makes the save. Flying splash by Kidman. Romeo nails a nasty move on Rey and gets the win! Great Match!
Winners: Romeo & Elix
Stasiak comes out to a new entrance with Hancock. He looks very good. Both men circle each other. Bam Bam finally runs over Stasiak but Stasiak bounces right back up. Stasiak rolls back on the outside and is consoled by Hancock. Stasiak finally founds his opening and unleashes on Bigelow. Bam Bam quickly reverses and gives Stasiak a bit of his own medicine. He then hits a back body drop.
Stasiak drops down to the outside. Stasiak then nails Bigelow and sends him into the steel steps. Stasiak continues to work on Bigelow as he rapes his eyes over the top rope. Hancock tosses something to Stasiak and he nails Bigelow. Then hits his finisher and takes home the win.
Winner: Shawn Stasiak
Storm and Awesome enter the ring and do a little Mic work. Morrus then hits the ring and takes out both members joined by Konan. Storm and Hugh tie it up in the ring. Storm hits a big foot. Morrus hits a nice power slam. Awesome gets the tag and hits a leg drop on Morrus before making the tag back to Storm.
Both men are now down as Storm nails Morrus in the head. Konan finally gets the tag, but is quickly attacked by Mike Awesome. Awesome works over Konan. Team Canada is now double teaming Konan. Konan is beaten down in the corner. Konan finally reverses. He hits some nice kicks in the corner, but runs into a back elbow. Storm goes for a quick pin, but Konan kicks out. Awesome is now back in the ring. Storm works over Konan on the outside of the ring. Drop Kick by Storm and a quick cover but no 3 Count.
Konan makes the tag, but the ref did not see it. Storm gets a foot in the face and both men are down. The tag is finally made and Morrus rips into the ring taking out both members of Team Canada. Morrus signals to go up top, but he is quickly taken down by Awesome. Save by Konan. Morrus goes for the no lauging matter, but Awesome hits the running Awesome bomb and nails Morrus.
Winners: Team Canada
Chavo and Shane tie it up in the middle of the ring. Chavo hits a hard clothesline in the middle of the ring. Chavo works Shane in the middle of the ring. Shane is tossed into the turnbuckle hard and then a suplex. Shane reverses with a fist and then a quick pin. Shane goes for the Nightmare on Helm Street and it is blocked. Chavo hits a T-Bone Suplex. Chavo backs Shane into the corner and works him over. Chavo hits a step over crossface.
Chavo hooks on a rear chin lock and grapevines the legs. Chavo is grounding the high flyer Shane Helms. Shane hits a counter and raises Chavo back up. Chavo quickly hits a belly to back. Shane tries to hit a powerbomb, but Chavo reverses into a DDT. Chavo argues with the ref about a slow count. Chavo now takes Shane into the corner and hooks his legs around the ropes. Chavo nails a crotch shot and Shane falls to the ring.
Chavo goes for a leap over the top, but Shane reverses and nails Chavo on the ring apron. Chavo gets up and nails Shane and then goes airborne. Shane drives Chavo head first across his knee. Shane is now building an offense up. Shane rolls over on Chavo but only gets a 2 Count. Shane hits a superkick and sends Chavo to the outside. Shane then brings Chavo back in. Chavo nails an inverted DDT, but Shane is able to kick out. Chavo is going up top and goes for the tornado DDT, but it is blocked. Shane nails the Nightmare on Helm street but Chavo gets the foot on the rope. Shane sends Chavo to the floor once again. Shane hits a frog splash from the top rope. Shane hits a vertabreaker out of nowhere! Gets his first Cruiserweight Title.
Winner: Shane Helms
This match is a squash! Totally Buff gets railed by Palumbo and O'Haire! Be sure and check out the images as Ohaire nails two Shawnton bombs on both Buff and Luger inside of a minute and then they hit the double pin!
Kanyon comes out to a new entrance and rises through the stage. Cat comes out and quickly begins to work on Kanyon. Miss Jones is with the Cat. Cat nails Kanyon in the middle of the ring. Kanyon pops up and works over the crowd. Cat drops Kanyon down with a back breaker.
Cat nails a drop kick and Kanyon rolls up in the corner. Kanyon pops up and hits a foot in the mid-section. Kanyon climbs the ropes and uses a cast on his fist to nail the Cat. Cat reverses and hits a powerbomb. Cat sends Kanyon over the top rope and onto the floor. Kanyon spots Miss Jones and goes after her. Cat makes the save and nails Kanyon into the safety rail. Kanyon regains control and nails the Cat from the top turnbuckle in the middle of the ring.
Kanyon hits an elbow from the top rope and goes for the 3 Count. Kanyon hooks his leg on the Cats neck and drives his head into the mat. Kanyon hooks on a reverse chin lock. The cat is battling back as he hits a belly to back suplex. Both men are now down. Kanyon is holding on to his wrist. Cat hits a kick to the face. Swinging Neck Breaker by Kanyon to reverse Kanyon's momentum. Cat goes for a superplex off the top rope. Kanyon is able to kick out of the attempted pinfall. Cat hits his elbow and then an uppercut. Cat wipes Kanyon out with his superkick but Kanyon is able to kick out. Kanyon gets a pin, but the ref see's his foot on the ropes. Kanyon celebrates his win. Ref re-starts the match. Kanyon is able to hook on a Boston Crab. Cat hits the feliner. Kanyon gets his foot on the rope.
Kanyon takes out the ref. Miss Jones comes in, but accidently hits Cat. She ends up saving Cat as she stuns Kanyon and Cat hits the feliner. Cat gets the win, but Kanyon nails the flatliner.
Winner: Cat
Booker T comes to the ring and Rick quickly follows. Steiner nails Booker and quickly sends him outside the ring. Steiner is being very physically. Steiner hits the Steinerline and goes for a quick cover but Booker T rebounds. Booker T hits some offense but Steiner rakes the face of Booker.
Situp powerbomb from Steiner. Booker is only down for 2, but Steiner quickly continues to hammer on Booker. Booker is in the middle of the ring arms stretched. Steiner then argues with the ref a bit, but Booker T takes advantage. He hammers Steiner a few times, but Steiner quickly fights back once again and lays Booker out.
Steiner hits a nice belly to belly in the middle of the ring. Steiner goes for a cover but Booker is able to kick out. Steiner hooks on a reverse chin lock. Booker T is able to battle back and hits a forarm to Steiners Head. Booker hits the Ghetto Blaster on Steiner. Steiner is down in the middle of the ring. Spin-A-Runi! Steiner takes out the ref and hits a German suplex. Steiner then counters on Booker and Steiner capatlizes on! Shane Douglas runs in! He nails Steiner and Booker hits the Book End! Youth Prevails again.
Winner: Booker T (New US Title Holder)
Flair comes out and says that he will not wrestle tonight! It will not happen! Animal then comes out, but Charles Robinson sends him to the back. Flair will step into the ring. Jarrett and Dustin kick things off as Dustin is able to nail Jarrett quickly with a hard forearm and then an uppercut. Dustin pushes Jarrett into the corner and hits 10 solid blows into the side of the head. Dustin then pins Jarrett into the post and slams the legs together. Dustin goes up top and is met by a high foot. Flair gets the tag. Flair lands a hard knife chop to the chest. Whoooooo...Flair hammers Dustin in the corner.
Here comes DUSTY! Flair and Dusty in the Ring. This is a site. Crowd goes nutz! Check out the Images by clicking below! First time on PPV! Dusty hammers Flair in the corner. He hits the Bionic Elbow. Dusty is whailing on Flair. Jarrett interferes and Dustin is back in. Jarrett and Dustin tie it back up. Flair is back in. He hammers on Dustin in the corner.
Jarrett is back in and works over the knee. Flair is in and goes for a figure four. Dustin hits a backslide. Dustin goes for the tag, but Jarrett is back in. Jarrett hooks on a figure four. Dustin is able to turn the four over and reverse but Jarrett quickly breaks. Dustin is able to get to his feet and hits a belly to back. Both men are down. Jarrett gets to Flair and Dusty is back in! American Dream vs Nature Boy. Dusty cleans house. Dusty hits the elbow drop, but Jarrett makes the save. All four men are now in. Jarrett takes down Dusty. Flair and Jarrett double team Dustin. Dustin takes Flair down and rolls him up! Dustin gets the pin! Now it's time for some kissing! Get the images by clicking below!
Winners: Rhodes
Both men spit on each other and Page hits a quick atomic drop. Steiner is already down. Steiner is able to get to his feet once again and decks Page. Page is right back up and Page hits a leaping elbow drop. The men go to the outside and battle each other before Steiner sends Page into the safety rail. Poppa Pump works Page over on the outside of the ring. He rolls page back into the ring and DDP snaps Steiners neck across the top rope. Midjah quickly makes her presence known.
Both men are now fighting into the stands. The men are right in the middle of the crowd. Steiner finally gets the better of Page and sends him into the set. They quickly take out the Spanish Broadcast booth. Steiner nails DDP with a crutch. DDP lays Stiner on a table and nails him. Through the table and we have a 2 count. DDP tosses DDP across the safety rail.
Stiener argues with a fan who looks just like Bischoff! This is nutz. Steiner and Page continue to fight. I couldn't tell if it was Bischoff or not, but we will find out. Steiner hits a T-Bone. Stiener goes for the cover. Page is able to kick out. Stienr works DDP over in the corner. I could have sworn that was Bischoff, but maybe not. Steiner nails DDP once again and gets a two count. These men are whaling on each other.
Steiner is busted open! Images at the bottom! Both men are hammering one another. DDP hits a DDT! Both men are down. DDP hits a clothesline. DDP is hammering on BPP. DDP takes Steiner into the corner. There is no turnbuckle pad as Steiner ripped it off. Steiner is busted open. Steiner hits a back elbow and goes for the pinfall but no 3 count. Page goes for the Diamond Cutter but Steiner hits a mule kick. Diamond Cutter! Rick Steiner runs out and the ref is out. This match is getting wild. Jawbreaker by Steiner. Rick saved Scott. DDP is busted open! Both men are bleeding. Steiner nails DDP with the belt but cannot get a 3 count! Boston Crab by Steiner. DDP is busted open bad! Pools of Blood! A must see...Page gets to the ropes. Steiner Recliner! Bleeding! DDP is trying to fight back. He fights out of the recliner. Rick is back in hammering on Page with the ref distracted. Lead Pipe by Steiner. DDP is bloodied. Another Steiner Recliner! DDP taps out!
Winner: Scott Steiner
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