Psychopath Registered: Oct. 00
![](images/whois.gif) | We get video from Raw, when Coach broke the story that The Undertaker's wife was in a car accident, and then Austin's rather odd reactions, from remorse to uncaring to downright happy. The SmackDown! video rolls, the pyros explode, and we are underway, LIVE, from Louisville, Kentucky!
Undertaker & Kane Interview
-The lights go dim, and the old Kane organ hits before BOOM! ROLLIN'! and Taker and Kane are here! They make their way down the ramp, Kane holding a chain. Taker grabs a mic and says he isn't in much of a talking mood tonight. Monday, some sorry ass called the Cinci PD and told them his wife was in a car wreck. The same person then called his wife and told them that his wife's mother was in a wreck. Turns out that everyone is fine because there were no wrecks. When he finds out who made the calls, they're going to wish they wre in a car wreck because his beating will be much much worse. So, who did it? He's not a betting man, but he'd put money on Stone Cold. He's got some questions for Stone Cold, and when he gets here, Taker has some questions for him. If he doesn't have the right answers, Austin's ass is his. Austin talked about mangled body, but if he doesn't have the right answers, Austin's face will be like the one he described. BOOM!
In the back, Jeff asks if they can trust Eddie when they team with him. Matt says that he took a Gore, then he saved him from a chairshot. Jeff says that his turning on the Radicalz is just what concerns him. Lita says that Chyna told her not to trust him, as Eddie comes up from behind and tells them that he wouldn't trust him either. And that they're next. Fade Out.
Eddie Guerrero & Hardy Boyz vs. Jerry Lynn & Radicalz
-The Hardys with their gal Lita come out, followed by Eddie Guerrero. Dean, Perry and Terri come out first, then the Light Heavyweight Champ, Jerry Lynn. Jeff and Perry brawl to start. Overhead belly-belly by Saturn, but Jeff hits a chinbuster and a springboard Whisper in the Wind. Clothesline by Saturn who tags in Lynn. Enziguri by Lynn, but misses a dropkick. Leg drop by Jeff, who tags in Matt instead of Eddie on purpose. Short clothesline by Matt, who starts to tag Jeff, but tags in Eddie instead. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Eddie, who knocks Perry off the apron, but Lynn kicks him out. On the outside, the Radicalz beat the crap out of Eddie. Back in the ring, Perry tags in, catches Eddie and slams him down hard. Knee to the groin by Perry 1-2-kickout. Perry 'buckles Eddie, but Eddie knocks him off and hits a flying headscissor takedown , but Lynn beats him up. Tag to Dean. Rib breaker by Dean, who knocks the Hardys off the apron. Back elbow by Malenko 1-2-kickout. Powerbomb by Dean, but Eddie rolls him up 1-2-kickout. Tag to Perry, who comes in and starts kneeing Eddie in the stomach. Perry rams Eddie into the corner. Perry locks him into the Tree of Woe and starts pulling him back as Dean comes in and kicks him in the head. Tag to Lynn. Drop toehold by Lynn, who locks in the Bow and Arrow submission, but Eddie flips over for a pin 1-2-kickout. Both men go for flying clotheslines and they both go down, tag to Matt and Dean. Matt comes in on fire, and then the Hardys double on Dean. Double leg drop on Saturn. Poetry in Motino ot Lynn, who then leaps over the ropes onto Lynn on the outside. Matt sets up the Twist of Fate, but Saturn runs in and Superkicks him. Eddie tags in and tries to beat on both Perry and Dean. Matt pulls Perry from the ring and Eddie hits a hurricanrana and locks in the Lasso from El Paso for the submission victory!
In the back, Austin and Debra arrive. Fade Out.
In the back, Austin is trying to tell Debra that he will not let Taker off easy. Regal bursts in and tells them about Taker. Austin asks how his wife is doing, but Regal acts surprised, recalling the whole story. Austin says he had no idea it was a hoax. Regal tells him Taker is blaming Austin and is looking for him.
Big Show vs. Bradshaw
-In the arena, Big Show comes down the ramp. The aPa come down, and Faarooq sits at the announce table as the match starts. Sidewalk slam by Big Show, then chops in the corner. Clothesline by Show in the corner. Clubs to the back by Bradshaw and a Big Boot. Bradshaw goes up top and hits a flying shoulder block. Show locks in a choke, but Bradshaw elbows out. Show locks in the choke again and nails a headbutt. Scoop slam by Show, who misses an elbow drop. Bradshaw capitalizes and clotheslines Show over the top. On the outside, Bradshaw whips Show into the steps as Test comes out on the stage. Bradshaw slams Show's head into the steps, but Show coes back and whips Bradshaw into the barrier. Back in the ring, Show hits a shoulder block and turns his attention to Test, who runs down the ramp. Show elbows Test off the apron and then kicks Bradshaw out of the ring. Show turns right into a Test Big Boot, and Bradshaw runs in and hits the Clothesline From Hell 1-2-3!
In the back, Regal has refs waiting to keep the Taker from getting to Austin, but Taker bursts through them and into Austin's room. Taker attacks Austin until the refs seperate them. Austin looks Taker right in the eye and tells him that he didn't do it, but that Triple H did it all, saying he would not mess with his wife. Taker says that if Austin is lying, he'll rip Austin's heart out. Fade Out.
They announce the Tag Team Turmoil match to determine the #1 Contenders.
We come back and Taker is on the phone. He tells Kane that they traced the calls and they both came from Triple H's cell phone.
In the back, Coach asks Angle if he chose his match. Angle says that he chose the perfect match for the situation, but all he can say now is that "It's a doozy".
In the back, Regal is on the phone, when Taker bursts in and tells him that, when Triple H gets here, Regal needs to inform him that he has a match with Taker, and it has to be No DQ, because what he's going to do would get him sent to jail. Fade Out.
William Regal & Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit & Rikishi
-Regal comes out first, then Angle. Angle says that he knows most of the people in the audience have never won anything, and a pie eating contest doesn't count. In 1996, Angle won Olympic Gold, and this Sunday, he will win them all over again. Regal allowed him to chose the type of match for him to beat Benoit in. He has chosen the perfect match, and he wants Benoit out to here what the stip is. Benoit comes out of the stage. Angle realizes that his gold medals are resting against his genitals, which is sick. But not as sick as the match he has chosen. This Sunday, it will be Angle vs. Benoit in a Straight Up Wrestling Match. No gimmicks, no nothing. Just wrestling. Benoit says that Angle's idea is a lot like Angle: it sucks. The fact that he has Angle's medals proves that Benoit is better. So Benoit proposes that they fight two out of three falls: first fall - pinfalls only; second fall - submissions only; third fall - ladder match! "No frickin' way!" says Angle, but when Benoit calls him chicken, he accepts. Benoit comes down and so does Rikishi. Rikishi storms the ring and battles with Regal, while Benoit and Angle fight outside. Uppercut by Rikishi, who tags in Benoit and they chop him. Chops by Benoit, then a snap suplex. High knees by Regal, who runs and tags Angle. Snap suplex to Angle, and Benoit tags Rikishi. Double back elbow, and Angle tags Regal. Hiptoss by Rikishi and a leg drop follow. Stomps by Rikishi and a tag to Benoit. German Suplex, then another, then Angle comes in and breaks the hold. He tags in officially and hits a suplex 1-2-shoulder up. Victory roll by Benoit 1-2-kickout. Stomps by Angle, but Benoit reverses a suplex and crossbodies 1-2-kickout. Angle goes for the Olympic Slam, but Benoit blocks and hits a DDT and both men go down. Tag to Rikishi. Rikishi knocks down both Angle and Regal, tossing Regal into Angle and he Backs That Ass Up into both of them. Superkick to Regal and a sitdown on Angle 1-2-shoulder up! Tag to Benoit, who goes up top and misses the Flying Headbutt. Rikishi and Regal brawl outside, while in the ring, Angle takes advantage hitting the Olympic Slam. But he doesn't cover. He looks around and starts to put his hands in Benoit's pants, but can't do it. He goes back to them and gets them! He kisses the medals! Ew... He celebrates, allowing Benoit to get up and lock in the Crossface! Angle has the medals in his "tapping hand", and won't give them up. Eventually he has to tap, and thus drop the medals. Benoit breaks the hold, takes the medals and puts them back in the pants.
In the back, Trips and Steph arrive, getting dirty looks from all the superstars. Fade Out.
In the back, Triple H comes up to Heyman, and Heyman tells him that the whole lockerroom hates him for what he did. Trips asks what the hell he's talking about. Heyman tells him the story, including Austin's pinning it on him. Trips calls Austin a redneck piece of trash. Heyman then tells him about the Taker match, and Trips storms off, demanding to see Austin.
Chyna vs. Molly Holly & Ivory
-In the arena, Chyna comes out with her belt, even though it isn't on the line. Molly comes down, then Ivory. This match is on because the tag match on Raw turned into a Handicap match when Chyna refused to tag in. Molly starts. Chyna just pushes Molly down. Molly floats over but Chyna rams her into the turnbuckle. Powerbomb by Chyna, who calls for Ivory to come in, but she won't. Chyna presses Molly way up, but Molly wiggles out and crawls to Ivory, but not before getting spanked. Chyna pulls the reluctant Ivory int he ring. Molly rusn in, but gets clotheslined. Powerbomb by Chyna on Ivory and Chyna hooks the leg 1-2-3! Lita runs into the ring and raises Chyna's arm up, much like what happened on Raw. Then, Eddie comes out on the stage and simply claps.
In the back, Trips and Steph storm into Austin's room. Trips demands to know what Austin is doing. Austin says that since Trips went and did something so stupid and evil, they're through. Trips demands to know why Austin thinks he did it. Austin says they traced the phones to Trips' phone. Trips says he didn't do it, but Austin says that Trips said the same thing during the questioning about who ran him over. Trips storms off, saying that this isn't over. Fade Out.
Chris Jericho vs. Edge
-The Y2J Countdown hits 00, and out comes the Ayatollah! Edge then comes out, with Christian by his side. They stop on the stage and get out a mic. Christian says that YToolJ is still woozy from getting the ConChairTo, so to remind him, "This is Christian (points to Christian) and this is Edge (points to Edge)". Jericho goes right at Edge as soon as he hits the ring and tosses Edge into the turnbuckle, and then into another. Jericho wrenches Edge's arm around the ropes and starts chopping the man down. Jericho misses the splash in the corner and his head nails the turnbuckle as he bounces outside. Edge rams Jericho into the barrier, and then repeatedly slams his head into the barrier. Back in the ring, Edge makes the pin 1-2-kickout. Stomps by Edge, who then repeatedly slams Jericho's head into the turnbuckle. Edge takes the turnbuckle cover off. He picks up Jericho and goes to ram him, but Jericho floats back and rolls him up 1-2-kickout. Stomps by Edge, and some knockdown punches. Stomps to the head by Edge, then a dragon sleeper. Jericho fights up and elbows out, only to get neckbreakered by Edge 1-2-kickout. Edge 'buckles Jericho and climbs up with him. Jericho blocks and slams Edge down. Jericho goes up and hits a flying shoulder block and both men go down. Jericho up quickest with a bulldog. Kick by Jericho and a kick to the head 1-2-kickout. Big boot by Edge, who goes second rope for a front dropkick, but Jericho catches him and catapults him into the exposed turnbuckle. Walls of Jericho, but Christian distracts the ref while Edge taps. Jericho goes to hit Christian, allowing Edge to get a chair. Jericho kicks the chair back into Edge's face, but when he goes for the Lionsault, Edge pulls the chair up and Jericho nails it. Edge picks up the win with a 1-2-3!
In the back, Trips tries to tell Regal that he didn't do anything, but Regal gives him the silent treatment. Trips spins his chair around and demands that Regal erase the match. Regal says he won't do that, so Trips demands that he take out the No Holds Barred Stip. Regal explodes up and backs Trips up to a wall. He tells him that Trips is not to lay on hand on him, and that he thinks people like Trips deserve to get their asses kicked. He hopes Taker beats some sense into him. Fade Out. And a great promo by Regal... very good.
Lilian starts to ask Jericho a question, but Jericho tells her to shut up. His head is pounding from chairshots and screwjobs. He knows that Edge & Christian will be in the Tag Team Turmoil match, and that means that he will be in it. He doesn't know who his partner will be, but he'll be in it.
In the back, Debra and Steph are talking. Debra says that she hopes Trips gets his ass kicked. Debra says all the evidence points to Trips, but Steph insists he was framed.
In the back, Molly asks Hardcore Holly about fighting Spike tonight. Hardcore says that Crash was right for once, in that you can't rust a Dudley.
In the back, Taker appologizes to Kane. He says that Kane probably won't get his match at Judgment Day, because Taker will beat Trips so badly tonight he won't be able to compete. Fade Out.
Hardcore Holly vs. Spike Dudley
-The D-Bombs drop and Spike comes out with his brothers. Then, Hardcore comes out with his cousin. Shoulder block by Holly, then a powerslam 1-2-kickout. Stomps by Holly and hard kick that sends Spike over the ropes to the outside. Hardcore makes sure Crash doesn't interfere. In the ring, Spike hits a hurricanrana on Holly, but Holly comes back with a hard clothesline. Spike rolls Holly up but only gets a two. Textbook Hardcore Holly Dropkick, followed by Holly 'buckling Spike, but Spike tosses him off. Big boot by Spike, who leaps feet first onto Spike, in a bit of a pike dive. Roll up by Spike 1-2-kickout. Butterfly side slam by Holly, but Spike tosses him out. Crash runs in the ring and guillotines Spike. Hardcore comes in and yells at Crash, allowing Spike to push him into Crash. Roll-up by Spike 1-2-kickout. Hardcore whips Spike into the ropes and catches him into a very hard powerbomb 1-2-3! Hardcore lectures his cousin and then leaves him in the ring, allowing the Dudleys to 3-D him. Fade Out.
Undertaker vs. Triple H
-In the back, Trips tells Steph that Austin set him up and he has some explaining to do. Steph has an epiphany. She realizes that, on Monday, Stone Cold said his battery died and borrowed Trips' cell phone. Trips heads to the ring to take his anger out on Taker. Rollin' hits and Taker rides down to the ring, chain around his neck. Time To Play The Game! Trips comes out, with a chain around his neck, and Taker runs at him. They meet on the ramp, with Taker throwing knockdown punches. Taker rams Trips' head into the SmackDown set multiple times. They battle in front of the OvalTron, and then back onto the ramp. Taker hits a knockdown punch that sends Trips rolling down the ramp. Taker scoop slams Trips onto the ramp. Taker rams Trips' head into the turnbuckle and then sends him over the barrier. They battle through the crowd, and someone is blowing bubbles, making a very surreal scene. Taker drops Trips back over the barrier to ringside. Taker slams Trips onto the announce table. Trips gets knocked into the timekeeper, and he takes the bell and nails Taker with it, and both men go down. Trips rams Taker's head into the steps and starts punching him on the barrier. Back in the ring, Taker regains control, stomping a mudhole in Triple H. He grabs the chain, but Trips low blows him. Trips drops Taker on the ropes to buy some time, and he then goes outside, elbowing Taker's head on the apron. Trips tosses Chimmel out of his chair and takes it, but when he comes in, Taker grabs Trips' "testicularities" and starts punching away at him. Big boot by Taker, who then locks in a choke hold. Chokeslam by Taker! He goes outside and gets the ringsteps and tosses them into the ring, both pieces. Taker re-stacks the stairs and then grabs Trips by the hair. They climb the stairs and Taker sets Trips up for the last ride, when Austin appears on the OvalTron. Austin says that he doesn't need Trips' cell phone tonight. He puts on the speakerphone and hits speed dial. A woman answers "Hello?" Trips tells Sara that her voice sounds as sweet as it did on Monday. He says that he was the one who called Sara. But like everything, you need a partner in crime, like the man standing behind Taker. Taker turns around and Trips nails him with a chain-wrapped fist. He pounds on him as Austin runs down and they double team Taker until Kane comes with his chain to clear the ring. End Show.
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