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The Unofficial Opie & Anthony Message Board - Vince's monopoly and old undertaker

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Posted ByDiscussion Topic: Vince's monopoly and old undertaker
posted on 05-18-2001 @ 12:22 AM      
Registered: May. 01
Vince McMahon is one smart MF. I wonder if on the bill
of sale for the WCW if Shane's name is actually on it.
That would probably absolve Vince from an anti-trust
suit considering the WWF owns the only other
well-publicized wrestling company, ECW, now. Well,
technically I think they folded, but he got all the talent.
And does anyone remember a storyline a little over 5
years ago when the Undertaker disappeared and Paul
Bearer brought back a different Undertaker? Then
there were two and they eventually fought? What
became of the false Undertaker?

Adopted by Fez as of 5-13-01
Just Jon
posted on 05-18-2001 @ 12:36 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Aug. 00
Underfaker was Brian Lee.


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Francine Banger
posted on 05-18-2001 @ 3:12 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
What a compelling Summerslam 94 Main Event that was!!! (Sarcasm). Especially considering it followed a great Owen Hart-Bret Hart Steelcage Match.

posted on 05-18-2001 @ 2:38 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01
i was only 7 years old then. can someone explain the whole fake undertaker thing to me?

my website

**Official Good Will Embassador from England**
Francine Banger
posted on 05-18-2001 @ 10:59 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Ok I will sum this up pretty quickly.

The Undertaker was on hiatus after the Royal Rumble when he got stuffed in a casket by Yokozuna and a bunch of other guys. During the summer, The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase claimed that he found the Undertaker and that he will bring him back to the WWF, just like when he originaly brought him to the WWF at Survivor Series 90. Paul Bearer then showed up and called Dibiase a liar and said that he has the Real Undertaker. So at Summerslam it was a match between Dibiase's Undertaker and Paul bearer's Undertaker. And the WWF had Leslie Nielsen and George Kennedy, of Naked Gun Fame, crack the case as to who is the Real Undertaker! This is typical Mid 90's WWF by the way. So to sum things up they met at Summerslam 94, and the Real Undertaker with Paul Bearer won, and the other Undertaker was never seen again. The other Undertaker was Brian Lee of ECW Fame, and later as Chainz in the D.0.A, in the WWF.

posted on 05-19-2001 @ 2:11 AM      
Registered: May. 01
What a frigging memory! I brought this whole fake
Undertaker thing up because back when he first hit
WWF, his rival was Hogan, right? With the Undertaker
representing all the evil and Hogan was supposed to be
the shining knight of male pattern baldness or
something. From what I remember, the Undertaker
from back then doesn't look a hell of a lot like Mark
Calway or whatevr the 'Taker's real name is. Maybe he
got older and fatter and as I got older my memory
skewed,but I could have sworn at some point this guy is

Adopted by Fez as of 5-13-01
Francine Banger
posted on 05-19-2001 @ 2:19 AM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00
Its the Same Undertaker, just like there was always only one Warrior. Dont believe the Hype.

The only difference between the Undertaker of 10 years ago, and the Undertaker of now, is that the Undertaker of 10 years ago was somewhat entertaining.

posted on 05-19-2001 @ 10:03 AM      
Registered: Dec. 00

What a frigging memory!

Or maybe just WrestleCrap. But if that's the case, I wouldn't hold it against FB.

And don't worry, GoP, you're not alone with the Taker thing. I know a guy who swears that there were two different Chynas no matter how many times we try to explain the process of jaw reconstruction. And all Mark Calloway did was get old!

I also don't think Vince can technically be slapped with an anti-trust. I don't know if Shane's name is on the contract, but I hear they really did put him in charge of it.

"Well, it's official, 'The Mummy Returns' is the most successful bad movie ever made. Better luck next time, 'Phantom Menace!'" -Craig Kilborn

"Now, how does one become a professional wrestler? The easiest way is to go to Harvard. They've got a great program there, only no one seems to know much about it." -"The Sarcasmoblaster" Dennis Miller
Go Ahead. E-Mail Me
posted on 05-19-2001 @ 2:26 PM      
Registered: Apr. 01

I know a guy who swears that there were two different Chynas no matter how many times we try to explain the process of jaw reconstruction


hey thanks for filling me in on the undertaker thing, that must have television.

my website

**Official Good Will Embassador from England**
Francine Banger
posted on 05-19-2001 @ 6:42 PM      
O&A Board Regular
Registered: Dec. 00

Or maybe just WrestleCrap. But if that's the case, I wouldn't hold it against FB.

I dont need Wrestlecrap to remember that angle. It was only the Big WWF angle for the Summer of 94, along with the Bret-Owen feud.

posted on 05-19-2001 @ 7:20 PM      
Registered: Dec. 00
Then you, sir, have a very good memory. I salute you.

Hey now that all your wrestling are belong to Vince, any chance the Underfaker might come back?

"Well, it's official, 'The Mummy Returns' is the most successful bad movie ever made. Better luck next time, 'Phantom Menace!'" -Craig Kilborn

"Now, how does one become a professional wrestler? The easiest way is to go to Harvard. They've got a great program there, only no one seems to know much about it." -"The Sarcasmoblaster" Dennis Miller
Go Ahead. E-Mail Me

Displaying 1-11 of 11 messages in this thread.