Posted By | Discussion Topic: Name This Song!!! |
| posted on 08-18-2001 @ 2:49 PM | |
Hanger-On Registered: Aug. 01
 | HELP!
i gotta know the name of the song that is all over TV!
The song is in the WWF commercial for the PPV, SummerSlam and O&A plays it coming back from a break
i can't figure what the name of the song is or the band's name.
it is a heavy metal band
and the song goes something like:
one, there's nothing wrong with me
two, there's nothing wrong with me
and so on......
Some guy told me it is "let the bodies hit the floor" but i can't find the mp3
HELP!!! |
I Need An Old Priest And A Young Priest | posted on 08-18-2001 @ 3:08 PM | |
O&A Board Regular Registered: Oct. 00
 | Welcome to the board, its Drowning Pool - Bodies.; Like a retarded yoyo, you will keep coming back. |