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FU Nicotine!!!
Quote:Originally posted by tinymike
There is nothing like a cigarette:

- At a bar with a drink while you enjoy a great band or the company of good friends
Which is why I'm currently loving the great state of NJ since you can still do that in a bar as opposed to anywhere in NY and also in Boston (which I found out after I was there). Oh, I'll stop there or it'll turn into an FU about smoking laws.

Messages In This Thread
FU Nicotine!!! - by WiggerCunt - 07-21-2003, 08:36 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by Silera - 07-21-2003, 08:39 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by IrishAlkey - 07-21-2003, 08:40 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by tinymike - 07-21-2003, 08:45 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by WiggerCunt - 07-21-2003, 08:46 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by 60FeetUnderWater - 07-21-2003, 08:48 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by MYLF - 07-21-2003, 08:49 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by GreasyItalianPrincess - 07-21-2003, 08:50 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by MYLF - 07-21-2003, 08:53 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by GreasyItalianPrincess - 07-21-2003, 08:54 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by tricia - 07-21-2003, 09:18 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by 60FeetUnderWater - 07-22-2003, 12:31 AM
FU Nicotine!!! - by Rooner - 07-22-2003, 12:50 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by GreasyItalianPrincess - 07-22-2003, 01:02 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by Hawt Baux - 07-22-2003, 01:11 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by Rooner - 07-22-2003, 01:13 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by Jimbo - 07-22-2003, 02:18 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by Rooner - 07-22-2003, 02:21 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by Toronto Hottie - 07-22-2003, 05:33 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by Crackle - 07-23-2003, 11:35 PM
FU Nicotine!!! - by GreasyItalianPrincess - 07-24-2003, 12:26 AM
FU Nicotine!!! - by Crackle - 07-24-2003, 10:29 AM

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