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FU to non snow driving mother fuckers!
first off, pay respect to an ORIGINAL 13 state, aight??!

secondly, I don't want to hear shit from any New Yorker about jerseans driving in the city because any time I see a car with NY plates on any NJ highway....

that car is being driven by an asshole. Fuckers can't handle the "open road" at all.

Bite, you're a girl so, no matter where you live, you'll always be a shitty driver. Stay off the road and don't forget - "exact change only" when you get on the bus.

and suck it New Yorkers, we don't have to deal with Bloomsburg. HA!

Care for a cigarette? have fun freezing!

oh, and driving on Long Island is the greatest. No matter what time of day it is, there is ALWAYS TRAFFIC.

Queens? Brooklyn? Oh so many parking spaces...NOT.

Midtown?? you've got to be kidding me. "That'll be $20 for parking".

Messages In This Thread
FU to non snow driving mother fuckers! - by 60FeetUnderWater - 12-05-2003, 03:26 PM
FU to non snow driving mother fuckers! - by Lush - 12-05-2003, 06:59 PM

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