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MLB Postseason
.....but still I don't blend, even those people are darker than me. If there were albinos there, I'd be in my own element.
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Someone ate my cupcake
It's more fun if you put your hands up
All i gotta say is that Pedro is a piece of shit for even taking on Zimmer. The guy is 72 for christ sake! Hes not in the best of shape and asshole has to go and knock him down? the poor guy could have a heart attack and die on the field. I know Zimmer went after him but i would've backed away if i saw Zim coming at me. What a low class piece of shit.
Well, in all fairness, I don't think Pedro wanted to just stand there and get pimp-slapped by a 72-year-old guy. :lol:

Look, Pedro Martinez has always tried to act tough, which is how you want your pitcher to act-- it's his job to be able to work both sides of the plate. He tries to back hitters off, and that's OK, hell Clemens has made a career doing the same thing.

But too often he takes it too far, tries too hard to intimidate the opposing team, and it <i>will</i> eventually lead to someone being injured. Perhaps we can say that already, with Karim Garcia hurting his hand brawling with the Fenway groundskeeper who got into the Yankee bullpen during the game.
<center><IMG SRC="" alt="Are you pondering what I'm pondering?" height=250 width=250></center><br />
<br />
<marquee behavior=alternate> <A href="mailto:[email protected]"><center><i>"ARE YOU PONDERING WHAT I'M PONDERING?"</i></center></a></marquee><br /><a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=DarkMoonchild23&Message=NARF!!!!!"><center>I think so, Brain...</center></a><br /><i><font color=4e4e4e>I'll conquer the world long before Kingpin ever finds "Pinky"</i></font><br /><font color=white><b><i>Now, I must return to the Lab to prepare for tomorrow night...</b></i></font><font color=4d4d4d size=-5>
Look i know about pitchers being tough and having to pitch both sides of the plate, i was a pitcher for most of my still short life, lol being that im 18 and all. but the fact of the matter is that When a 72 year old man comes at you, you dont attack back, just back away. You have no idea what health problems or whatever the guy can have. Its just not worth it.
Quote:Originally posted by JJ
Look i know about pitchers being tough and having to pitch both sides of the plate, i was a pitcher for most of my still short life, lol being that im 18 and all. but the fact of the matter is that When a 72 year old man comes at you, you dont attack back, just back away. You have no idea what health problems or whatever the guy can have. Its just not worth it.
I think Pedro just saw a blue jacket with a white interlocking NY and just flipped out. At that point, I don't believe it mattered to him <i>who</i> was in the jacket-- he just knew it was on a Yankee, and he wanted to be all bad and tough to the team he despises so much.

He's made no secret of his distaste for the Yanks-- threatening to plunk Babe Ruth on his ass if he were alive today comes to mind-- and he seems balls out determined to not be intimidated by anyone, and I mean anyone, in a Yankee uniform.

Chalk it up to his <i>machismo</i>, and bull-headedness. Zimmer was wrong getting into Martinez' face when the real issue at that point was whether Clemens threw too close to Ramirez following the umps' warning (which he didn't), and likewise Martinez should have walked away.
<center><IMG SRC="" alt="Are you pondering what I'm pondering?" height=250 width=250></center><br />
<br />
<marquee behavior=alternate> <A href="mailto:[email protected]"><center><i>"ARE YOU PONDERING WHAT I'M PONDERING?"</i></center></a></marquee><br /><a href="aim:goim?ScreenName=DarkMoonchild23&Message=NARF!!!!!"><center>I think so, Brain...</center></a><br /><i><font color=4e4e4e>I'll conquer the world long before Kingpin ever finds "Pinky"</i></font><br /><font color=white><b><i>Now, I must return to the Lab to prepare for tomorrow night...</b></i></font><font color=4d4d4d size=-5>
Quote:Originally posted by The Brain
Quote:Originally posted by JJ
Look i know about pitchers being tough and having to pitch both sides of the plate, i was a pitcher for most of my still short life, lol being that im 18 and all. but the fact of the matter is that When a 72 year old man comes at you, you dont attack back, just back away. You have no idea what health problems or whatever the guy can have. Its just not worth it.
I think Pedro just saw a blue jacket with a white interlocking NY and just flipped out. At that point, I don't believe it mattered to him <i>who</i> was in the jacket-- he just knew it was on a Yankee, and he wanted to be all bad and tough to the team he despises so much.

He's made no secret of his distaste for the Yanks-- threatening to plunk Babe Ruth on his ass if he were alive today comes to mind-- and he seems balls out determined to not be intimidated by anyone, and I mean anyone, in a Yankee uniform.

Chalk it up to his <i>machismo</i>, and bull-headedness. Zimmer was wrong getting into Martinez' face when the real issue at that point was whether Clemens threw too close to Ramirez following the umps' warning (which he didn't), and likewise Martinez should have walked away.

Very valid point Brain. ::thumbs up::
Pedro didn't attack anybody. Someone ran at him and was about to throw a punch.

What is Pedro supposed to do? Run away? How much would Yankee fans be calling him a faggot for running away from an old man?

Zimmer may be old, but he's an adult. if he wants to charge at someone, be ready for the consequences. It's not like Pedro even punched him. He just pushed him away.

And Manny is a giant idiot. That ball was nowhere near him.
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Quote:Zimmer may be old, but he's an adult. if he wants to charge at someone, be ready for the consequences. It's not like Pedro even punched him.
I'd take Zimmer in a real fight between the two.

Serious...and I'm a Mets fan. Pedro's a great pitcher, but a pussy.
Edit: My post below is the correct post...:duh:
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Shit like this always happens when I shut the tv off to take a shower. I put 880am on to listen to it & I hear the announcers going crazy, I run to the tv and see this whole spectacle taking place....
I flipped the fuck out.
Manny Ramirez just needed something to go at the Yankees with and what he did was totally uncalled for. And Pedro Martinez, threating possibly Jorge w/the "I'll hit you in the head next..." remark--- that alone, he should've been thrown out for. You go & threaten a player?!?! Then throw Popeye to the floor?? WTF is that all about? He could've simply slapped his hand away without grabbing Zim's head & throwing him to the ground, HEAD FIRST. He could've broken the poor man's nose!
Fuck these stupid assholes & their tempers. The Sox have absolutley NO CLASS whatsoever. NONE AT ALL.
Fuck the Sox. I hope Babe Ruth takes a huge dump on Fenway Park.....however that should happen, is beyond me :lol:

<font color=4e4e4e>* Edited becuase she was quoting herself, which is just silly.</font>
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