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The Hamsters In His Head Are Wheezing...
Quote:Originally posted by GreasyItalianPrincess
an effective job ((in my humble opinion)) :kiss: means i have seen a discernable change in economic conditions. not running us completely into the ground does not make him a good president.

oh...but here's some smaller things he has done...and let me know if it's made our lives better.

1. Significantly eased field-testing controls of genetically engineered crops.

2. Cut federal spending on libraries by $39 million.

3. Cut $35 million in funding for doctors to get advanced pediatric training.

4. Cut by 50% funding for research into renewable energy sources.

5. Revoked rules that reduced the acceptable levels of arsenic in drinking water.

6. Blocked rules that would require federal agencies to offer bilingual assistance to non-English speaking persons. This, from a candidate who would readily fire-up his Spanish-speaking skills in front of would-be Hispanic voters.

7. Proposed to eliminate new marine protections for the Channel Islands and the coral reefs of northwest Hawaii (San Francisco Chronicle, April 6, 2001).

8. Cut funding by 28% for research into cleaner, more efficient cars and trucks.

9. Suspended rules that would have strengthened the government's ability to deny contracts to companies that violated workplace safety, environmental and other federal laws.

10. OK'd Interior Department appointee Gale Norton to send out letters to state officials soliciting suggestions for opening up national monuments for oil and gas drilling, coal mining, and foresting.

11. Appointed John Negroponte - an un-indicted high-level Iran Contra figure to the post of United Nations Ambassador.

12. Abandoned a campaign pledge to invest $100 million for rain forest conservation.

13. Reduced by 86% the Community Access Program for public hospitals, clinics and providers of care for people without insurance.

14. Rescinded a proposal to increase public access to information about the potential consequences resulting from chemical plant accidents.

15. Suspended rules that would require hardrock miners to clean up sites on Western public lands.

16. Cut $60 million from a Boy's and Girl's Clubs of America program for public housing.

17. Proposed to eliminate a federal program, designed and successfully used in Seattle, to help communities prepare for natural disasters.

18. Pulled out of the 1997 Kyoto Treaty global warming agreement.

19. Cut $200 million of work force training for dislocated workers.

20. Eliminated funding for the Wetlands Reserve Program, which encourages farmers to maintain wetlands habitat on their property.

21. Cut program to provide childcare to low-income families as they move from welfare to work.

22. Cut a program that provided prescription contraceptive coverage to federal employees (though it still pays for Viagra).

23. Cut $700 million in capital funds for repairs in public housing.

24. Appointed Otto Reich - an un-indicted high-level Iran Contra figure - to Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs.

25. Cut Environmental Protection Agency budget by $500 million.

26. Proposed to curtail the ability of groups to sue in order to get an animal placed on the Endangered Species List.

27. Rescinded the rule that mandated increased energy-saving efficiency regulations for central air conditioners and heat pumps.

28. Repealed workplace ergonomic rules designed to improve worker health and safety.

29. Abandoned campaign pledge to regulate carbon dioxide, the waste gas that contributes to global warming.

30. Banned federal aid to international family planning programs that offer abortion counseling with other independent funds.

31. Closed White House Office for Women's Health Initiatives and Outreach.

32. Nominated David Lauriski - ex-mining company executive - to post of Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health.


Gotta clean the fat.

Quote:Username Time: What they are currently doing..
header 11:34 AM Viewing members online
Topper Harley 11:33 AM Reading thread: Queer Eye show shooting next door
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GreasyItalianPrincess 11:25 AM Sending a u2u
Guest 11:24 AM Reading thread: Anyone follow wrestling outside of this country?

I hope it's to me...
<img src="">
Quote:Originally posted by header

I hope it's to me...

that's worse than me fishing for a new status
[Image: carrottop-19200.jpg]
You do have a nifty status.
<img src="">
I sent a u2u to Alkey professing my undying love, and hope he fondles me again with those smooth soft baby-hands. Sorry Header. Alkey has those pretty eyes.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
when was the last time i posted in the pictionary thread anyways
[Image: carrottop-19200.jpg]
i confess: i never read the pictionary thread.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
nor should you have
[Image: carrottop-19200.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by GreasyItalianPrincess
I sent a u2u to Alkey professing my undying love, and hope he fondles me again with those smooth soft baby-hands. Sorry Header. Alkey has those pretty eyes.

Curse you!!!
<img src="">
<font size=5><b>SNAGGED</font></b>

GreasyItalianPrincess 11:58 AM Viewing members online
<b>header 11:58 AM Viewing members online</b>
Guest 11:58 AM Reading thread: A Bar in Queens. 04/03/04
GMANN 11:57 AM Reading thread: High school? Dear God!
Rooner 11:54 AM Reading thread: The Hamsters In His Head Are Wheezing...
Guest 11:53 AM Viewing forum: The End
Topper Harley 11:52 AM Reading thread: The Hamsters In His Head Are Wheezing...
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by Topper Harley
when was the last time i posted in the pictionary thread anyways

Quote: 4/2/2004 at 10:02 AM
&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;

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