It's amy's birthday. - Printable Version

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- Rape Fantasizer - 09-09-2002

Happy Birthday Amy

- NaughtyAngel - 09-09-2002

thanks rape

- Tenbatsuzen - 09-09-2002

Happy Unfunny Birthday

- OAS - 09-09-2002

Happy New Yea....I mean Happy Birthday Amy!

- DGW - 09-09-2002

have a Happy Amy
sorry about the bruises

- fbd - 09-09-2002

amy forgot my birthday, thus she gets no birthday wishes from me :-p

- NaughtyAngel - 09-09-2002


and GW dont worry bout the bruise, itll go away soon
its nice and purple now
very attractive

- Danked - 09-09-2002

As promised...

[Image: bearsample1.jpg]

- NaughtyAngel - 09-09-2002

awwww thanks danked!
and just for you

- GonzoStyle - 09-09-2002

Happy kwanza fdblingfrg.

- fbd - 09-09-2002

kwanza? already? how does the time fly...

- GonzoStyle - 09-09-2002

I'm lost, umm, merry new year?