10-01-2004, 04:39 AM
I thought Kerry came off a lot more poised and prepared and is simply a better speaker, but I think he concentrates way too much on saying "he'll do things different" without really articulating what that is. He wants us out of Iraq as soon as possible yet he wants to send more troops in and train them better. He criticizes spending so much money on the war yet clearly he'd have to spend a lot more to accomplish his strategy PLUS set up another military section for the Sudan and other military obligations outside of Iraq. Either way, he won by default because Bush didn't know what the fuck he or Kerry was talking about and constantly went back to vague flip flopping remarks rather than clearly articualting why Kerry's ideas may be unrealistic. In conclusion, I'm still voting for Nader.
<center><img src="http://resized.filevend.com/anon/6d4hOYr3.gif"></center>