that doesn't make any sense. what's the point of having a set limit if they're going to arrest you for being under that anyway? if they're gonna do that they should just make the limit 0.
So did you have to take a dump in the common toilet?
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Your pocket Bible will stop an assailant's bullet, but not before it passes through four innocent bystanders, a school-bus gas tank, and your genitals.
I can't get over how stupid his friends are. They called his machine to see if he needed to be bailed out. Did they thinek h would be checking his messages from the cell?
I actually did check my messages from the cell. You see cell phones allow you to call them and check your messages from another phone. I know, its a unbelievable concept, try and grasp it. I was happy to hear they called and tried to reach me.
I purposely did not eat anything they tried to give us so I wouldnt have to crunch in the common toilet.
Does this increase my street cred? I think I would rather not gone through this experience than gain whatever ancillary benefits it may have provided me with. I did get to learn how jailhouse dealing goes down, lots of wheeling and dealing for smokes and drugs in there. I also met Michael Pittman in there, he said he is going to suck this year!
I also found it disturbing that so many young minorites are locked up for petty shit. The system is holding down kids who otherwise would be afforded much more opportunity if they lived in my neighborhood where I grew up. Its a socio-economic problem and a trap that forces those in the ghetto to remain there.