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Forum: I can't wait to talk about........
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Jail Time |
Posted by: Rock Monster - 01-08-2009, 02:36 PM - Forum: The Touchy Subject Forum
- Replies (21)
Would you ever do something that you know you would get jail time for? For example, steal food if your family was starving. Please don't use that one... it's too easy.
I think if I had a daughter that was raped, I would castrate the bastard, torture him, then turn myself in... and be glad that I did it.
Worst thing ever. |
Posted by: krystal - 01-08-2009, 10:37 AM - Forum: I can't wait to talk about........
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I'm listening the guys do the Sabatoge segment and thought about some of the bad things I have done to other people, and wondered, Are other people like me? So, here people should put there best sabatoge/revenge stories, just to prove I'm not the only one here who's going to hell. Here's my story:
Not really sabotage, but revenge.
The girl who had been my best friend throughout all of high school and into our freshman year of college decided she hated me. She hated me because I'm me (and I laughed when she got Most Intelligent in h.s. and said she wasn't the most intelligent person I knew).
Anyways, her boyfriend was going to be homeless, so my roommate and I offered to let him stay with us until he could find a place, but I didn't know how to contact him, so I called her. She didn't call back, so I called again, just in case the message accidentally got deleted. So she posted on my blog about how she wasn't my gopher and wasn't going to tell him and blah blah blah (he was her boyfriend, it was really nothing to me if he was homeless or not). Long story short, I told her to kiss my ass.
The thing was, we were from a small town in a small county and gossip got around fast. My parents found out a lawyer they knew and his wife were divorcing, and she was awarded a majority of the assets. Surprisingly, only a few people knew the reason they were divorcing was because his wife walked in on him banging his secretary on the desk in his office. The secretary was my ex-best friend's mom. It wasn't well-known amongst our circle of friends. Until she pissed me off.
Needless to say, I posted it on her website. And mine.
(The real funny thing was that at the time, most of her knew "college friends" were her friends from church and campus crusaders. They were the ones who read her website regularly.)
I still feel kind of proud of myself for getting such a juicy tidbit of gossip.
Grown Man List |
Posted by: burnprince - 01-07-2009, 04:17 PM - Forum: Free Beer and Hot Wings Forum
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I swear they've done that list before, as they went through it the items got more familiar and I started remember comments they had made the last time. Does anyone else remember them doing this list already?
Fraternity House |
Posted by: cuppie - 01-06-2009, 11:07 PM - Forum: Grand Rapids/West Michigan Local
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So what ever happened to this movie? I looked for it at the video store the other day because I thought it was going straight to DVD but I couldn't find it. Anybody know where I could get it?
12/21/2012 |
Posted by: boizalynne - 01-06-2009, 04:29 PM - Forum: The Touchy Subject Forum
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I looked everywhere to see if I could find a post for this... if their is one forgive me because I missed it, but here goes my rant...
I am sick and tired of people saying that December 21 2012 is the day the world will end. This all stems from people not understanding what they see and reading far far too into what they hear. Anyway, with all of the attention connected to this date lately, I was just curious as to what everyone makes of this? I have done a little research and from what I have come to understand the Mayans prediction never stated that this would be the 'END OF THE WORLD' but the end of an age.... and the beginning of a new age, or calander. From what I have come to understand, the Mayans have three calanders running at all times, and on December 21st 2012, this is when the third and the longest calander ends, and a new one begins... There is very huge cosmic event on this day where the Universe and the Milkyway intersect in a very interesting way called the 'Sacred Tree,' and this is where the Mayans based their calander off of. Around 11 in the morning to be exact. Apparently this hasn't happened for THOUSANDS of years, so it was a really big deal to the Mayans. Other people claim that Nostradamus' far fetched and generalized prediction also coincides with the date. In fact the prediction actually is for somewhere around July-September 1999, and it predicts a comit hitting earth... last I checked 1999 was almost 10 years ago... People attribute this to the fact that he meant AROUND the year 1999, so naturally he really meant 2012, the same year the Mayan calander ends. Anyway... though myself, or anyone else that matter, doesn't REALLY know what is going to happen this day, I would be willing to take bets the world will not, in fact, end I just wonder what everyone else has come up with?