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  This is what happens when you dont tap out in MMA!
Posted by: mastershake - 12-10-2008, 08:29 AM - Forum: I can't wait to talk about........ - Replies (5)

I tried to post the video but it wouldnt work so here is the link.


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  Religion or math - which is more concrete?
Posted by: Allyson - 12-10-2008, 08:18 AM - Forum: The Touchy Subject Forum - Replies (29)

So my boyfriend and I are constantly having this argument and he simply cannot see my point of view.

Argument 1: Math is bullshit. It is a set of theories based on these "numbers" that are all made up in the first place. Some guy called this thing "one", "two", etc. and the rest goes from there. It's all made up.

Argument 2: Religion is bullshit. People made up stories based on fiction centuries ago to explain the inexplicable and instill fear in the public. Religion is a fictional story.

So which side are you on? Or are both bull?

K thx.

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  Bitch about the Red Wings
Posted by: zetsyuk - 12-10-2008, 01:57 AM - Forum: Sportier Than Thou - Replies (101)

Avid, die hard fan here. Thought a thread of this persuasion would be a decent vent for the hard core Wings fan. I love my team, but I always have a gripe.

Current gripe:

Andreas Lilja and Brett Lebda. I mean for real, why not keep Quincy? Even before he left and showed what he could do with more ice time. Why play defenseman that give the puck away so much? I mean at least don't HURT your team.

Ok, I feel better. Plus, Hossa scoring a goal ALWAYS cheers me up.

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Posted by: zetsyuk - 12-10-2008, 01:49 AM - Forum: Free Beer and Hot Wings Forum - Replies (8)

I was feeling egregious today until free beer said what he said hahaha

that's the hardest I've laughed at the show ever. and that's saying a lot.

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  2009 Celebrity Death Pool
Posted by: Opus - 12-09-2008, 11:03 PM - Forum: Wheel of Bad Games - Replies (85)

For those of you who do not know what this is or how to play, I will explain.

You will choose 10 different celebrities who as of 12/31/2008 @ 11:59 PM are still living. (Yes you can edit your selections if you choose now and someone dies before the end of the year). Any edits after 11:59 PM on 12/31/08 will disqualify you from the game.

For these picks, if one of the people actually pass on in 2009 you will get points. The poster with the most points at 11:59 PM 12/31/2009 will win the pool.

Scoring is as follows: (I chose to do it this way to circumvent the cherry picking of old celebrities)
You will get points based on the month the celebrity passes. There are 12 months in a year, so there are 12 possible points. The way it is scored is to take the month that the celebrity passes and subtract it from 13. IE... If Jane Doe is one of your picks and she expires in May of 2009, you will get 8 points (13 minus 5)

You also will get points based on the celebrities age. The most points I will award is 100. So again, in our example, Jane Doe, if she is 67 years old when she passes, you will get 33 points. (100 minus 67).

The two scores combined will equal your awarded score for each correct pick. So Jane Doe would have earned you 41 points.

If you choose someone that is over 100 years of age, IE... John Doe is 103 years old and passes in September of 2009, you will still get the 4 points for passing in September, but you will actually lose 3 because of the 100 minus age rule. Thus you will score 1. It is possible to gain a negative score.

I will try and update a list of players and their scores as the year goes on and then determine the winner at the end of the year.

The second post will contain my picks, the third post will be my picks again, and I will edit in your picks as you make them.

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  Is Joe's wheel effed up?
Posted by: jg24 - 12-09-2008, 10:44 PM - Forum: What Can Joe Do? - Replies (8)

Is it just me, or do you think that some of the spots on Joe's wheel have more of a chance of getting picked, just based on the sound of the spin. If you listen, it sounds like it speeds up and slows down with every revolution, so one side would be heavier. I'm not saying their doing it on purpose, but it doesn't sound right.

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  Hey! I showed up in the flashback today!
Posted by: Mark the Valet - 12-09-2008, 02:33 PM - Forum: I can't wait to talk about........ - Replies (13)

Anyone else ever suddenly hear their voices as a caller in the flashback?

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  The toilet seat issue
Posted by: Rock Monster - 12-09-2008, 11:23 AM - Forum: I can't wait to talk about........ - Replies (27)

So, I was thinking about the toilet seat up/down issue that plagues men and women everywhere. I'm hoping that there will be enough viewpoints to finally resolve this issue.

First of all, let me preface this by saying that I always put the seat, and the lid down after use. It's easier than listening to senseless bitching...

Why do women always get pissed (no pun intended) if the seat is left up? Men don't get pissed if it's down when they have to go. We don't get pissed if we have to lower it for a deuce. Is it really that big of a deal? Why are women always bringing it up?

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  Create a Caption 12/9/08
Posted by: burnking - 12-09-2008, 09:00 AM - Forum: Wheel of Bad Games - Replies (11)

[Image: ?m=02&d=20081208&t=2&i=7137312&w=450&r=2...ELETON.jpg]

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  Mystery Backwards Clip 12-5-08
Posted by: moobsminger - 12-09-2008, 02:37 AM - Forum: Wheel of Bad Games - Replies (2)

Ah eff, I'm behind. Again, if anyone who can stay more up-to-date wants to take up the mantle, feel free.

This is from Friday's show.


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