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Worst Words In The English Language - Printable Version

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Worst Words In The English Language - boizalynne - 07-10-2008

I will start,
as I stated before

SMEAR tops this list for me...

Will think of more as the day progresses....

Anyone else want to add a word?

Worst Words In The English Language - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-10-2008

I did a survey on swears...ranking which were worse...I wish i could find that.

I'd probably get a Pulitzer, er something....what?

Strip and Smear are bad....

Strip use to imply good, but once my wife used it as 'Strip my membranes' it lost all other meaning

Worst Words In The English Language - Queenie - 07-10-2008


Worst Words In The English Language - Biff - 07-10-2008


Worst Words In The English Language - plungerhand - 07-10-2008

didn't George Carlin cover the seven words you can't say on TV??

Worst Words In The English Language - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-10-2008

Admin Wrote:kumquat

I like kumquat...i giggle everytime i hear it

what was that Larry the Cable Guy line

Something got into the Pussywillows and now we got a crop of kumquats....damn

[FB] Sean Astin and the kid walking to the Lord of the Rings GAAAH![FB]

Worst Words In The English Language - Allyson - 07-10-2008

Vagina. Probably the most unflattering word. Ever.

Worst Words In The English Language - boizalynne - 07-10-2008

jus' P Wrote:didn't George Carlin cover the seven words you can't say on TV??

He did...

He also did a whole thing on 'p*$!y farts'... if I remember correctly....

Worst Words In The English Language - boizalynne - 07-10-2008

Allyson Wrote:Vagina. Probably the most unflattering word. Ever.
Penis is worse

Worst Words In The English Language - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-10-2008

Allyson Wrote:Vagina. Probably the most unflattering word. Ever.

doesn't sound to pretty does it?

we should post words to replace the ones we don't like.....

Vagina: Love Shoot, Party Canal....huh....these aren't better

Worst Words In The English Language - Allyson - 07-10-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
Allyson Wrote:Vagina. Probably the most unflattering word. Ever.

doesn't sound to pretty does it?

we should post words to replace the ones we don't like.....

Vagina: Love Shoot, Party Canal....huh....these aren't better

I don't know if you guys watch Drawn Together, but there was an episode where Foxy Love just kept rattling off replacement words for vagina that were even grosser than the word itself. The one burned permanently into my head is "ketchup dispenser" :-X Sorry.

Worst Words In The English Language - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-10-2008

Allyson Wrote:
Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:doesn't sound to pretty does it?

we should post words to replace the ones we don't like.....

Vagina: Love Shoot, Party Canal....huh....these aren't better

I don't know if you guys watch Drawn Together, but there was an episode where Foxy Love just kept rattling off replacement words for vagina that were even grosser than the word itself. The one burned permanently into my head is "ketchup dispenser" :-X Sorry.

i've watched it a few times...funny show...and i love that....in a 'not really' way

Worst Words In The English Language - derek - 07-10-2008

fishy smelling taco....pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

Worst Words In The English Language - Queenie - 07-10-2008

Id . . . i like the word, but always get challenged at scrabble by some stupid idiot that doesn't believe it is a word. WTF??!!

Worst Words In The English Language - plungerhand - 07-10-2008

Queenie Wrote:Id . . . i like the word, but always get challenged at scrabble by some stupid idiot that doesn't believe it is a word. WTF??!!

What did you call me????

Worst Words In The English Language - peachs - 07-10-2008

I've gotta say that 'smear' is pretty bad but even worse for me is 'nonfunctional' especially when it's attached to words like 'ovary'

and cancer is pretty bad....

Worst Words In The English Language - Queenie - 07-10-2008

jus' P Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:Id . . . i like the word, but always get challenged at scrabble by some stupid idiot that doesn't believe it is a word. WTF??!!

What did you call me????

There wasn't a K on the front of that . . . Wink

Worst Words In The English Language - Philly Mike - 07-10-2008

Too many people throw this word around and don't understand the weight it carries.
It is one word that can turn a good mood bad, or laughter into anger.

Worst Words In The English Language - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-10-2008

Philly Mike Wrote:HATE
Too many people throw this word around and don't understand the weight it carries.
It is one word that can turn a good mood bad, or laughter into anger.


Worst Words In The English Language - zeehawk30 - 07-10-2008

Philly Mike Wrote:HATE
Too many people throw this word around and don't understand the weight it carries.
It is one word that can turn a good mood bad, or laughter into anger.

In that case I think the word 'Love' qualifies. Too many people throw this word around and have absolutely no idea what it truly means. Improper usage can also eventually lead to turning a good mood bad or laughter into anger.

Worst Words In The English Language - derek - 07-10-2008

Zee Wrote:
Philly Mike Wrote:HATE
Too many people throw this word around and don't understand the weight it carries.
It is one word that can turn a good mood bad, or laughter into anger.

In that case I think the word 'Love' qualifies. Too many people throw this word around and have absolutely no idea what it truly means. Improper usage can also eventually lead to turning a good mood bad or laughter into anger.


Worst Words In The English Language - Philly Mike - 07-10-2008

Zee Wrote:
Philly Mike Wrote:HATE
Too many people throw this word around and don't understand the weight it carries.
It is one word that can turn a good mood bad, or laughter into anger.

In that case I think the word 'Love' qualifies. Too many people throw this word around and have absolutely no idea what it truly means. Improper usage can also eventually lead to turning a good mood bad or laughter into anger.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Worst Words In The English Language - boizalynne - 07-10-2008

Zee Wrote:
Philly Mike Wrote:HATE
Too many people throw this word around and don't understand the weight it carries.
It is one word that can turn a good mood bad, or laughter into anger.

In that case I think the word 'Love' qualifies. Too many people throw this word around and have absolutely no idea what it truly means. Improper usage can also eventually lead to turning a good mood bad or laughter into anger.
Now we're getting all philisophical....Smile

Worst Words In The English Language - Queenie - 07-10-2008

ok this is two words . . .but SHUT UP . . .so ugly and rude, BE QUIET or HUSH is much nicer.

Worst Words In The English Language - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-10-2008

Philly Mike Wrote:
Zee Wrote:In that case I think the word 'Love' qualifies. Too many people throw this word around and have absolutely no idea what it truly means. Improper usage can also eventually lead to turning a good mood bad or laughter into anger.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

yah, I love my family and my pets,, and sorta like my truck as it's a heap

now my motorcycle, once it gets fixed we're making love

Worst Words In The English Language - Philly Mike - 07-10-2008

I don't like the word their

The i is supposed to be before the e, but noooooo this word has to go and break the rules.

Worst Words In The English Language - 38doubledelicious - 07-10-2008

I will tell you one that makes me want to smack my kids in the head when they say it...


I dont know why but god I hate that word

That and penis, the doctor told me i couldnt teach my (then) three year old to call his junk a goober, i should teach him penis...
That didnt sit right with me

Worst Words In The English Language - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-10-2008

38DoubleDelicious Wrote:I will tell you one that makes me want to smack my kids in the head when they say it...


I dont know why but god I hate that word

That and penis, the doctor told me i couldnt teach my (then) three year old to call his junk a goober, i should teach him penis...
That didnt sit right with me

my wife thinks weiner is ok...i tell him not to...so as confused as he may be he started calling it W and when he was in the delivery room while his baby sister was being born he said "Mom's W was gross" we didn't know what it meant until he elaborated a few weeks later

Worst Words In The English Language - Wiener Poopie - 07-10-2008

Zee Wrote:
Philly Mike Wrote:HATE
Too many people throw this word around and don't understand the weight it carries.
It is one word that can turn a good mood bad, or laughter into anger.

In that case I think the word 'Love' qualifies. Too many people throw this word around and have absolutely no idea what it truly means. Improper usage can also eventually lead to turning a good mood bad or laughter into anger.

I very much disagree with this statement;

Worst Words In The English Language - boizalynne - 07-10-2008

Howie Feltersnatch Wrote:
38DoubleDelicious Wrote:I will tell you one that makes me want to smack my kids in the head when they say it...


I dont know why but god I hate that word

That and penis, the doctor told me i couldnt teach my (then) three year old to call his junk a goober, i should teach him penis...
That didnt sit right with me

my wife thinks weiner is ok...i tell him not to...so as confused as he may be he started calling it W and when he was in the delivery room while his baby sister was being born he said "Mom's W was gross" we didn't know what it meant until he elaborated a few weeks later
LOL He is too cute...

Worst Words In The English Language - boizalynne - 07-10-2008

Here is another one for the list...


Worst Words In The English Language - boizalynne - 07-10-2008


Worst Words In The English Language - Biff - 07-10-2008

boizalynne Wrote:pussy

When used in context (i.e. dirty talk or in reference to your girly male friends) it can be a great word.

Worst Words In The English Language - Philly Mike - 07-10-2008

wienerpoopie Wrote:
Zee Wrote:In that case I think the word 'Love' qualifies. Too many people throw this word around and have absolutely no idea what it truly means. Improper usage can also eventually lead to turning a good mood bad or laughter into anger.

I very much disagree with this statement;

Worst Words In The English Language - Howie Feltersnatch - 07-11-2008

Admin Wrote:
boizalynne Wrote:pussy

When used in context (i.e. dirty talk or in reference to your girly male friends) it can be a great word.

I still don't like to use it.

I think I only use it when repeating a Ned Flanders drop

[drop] you've now achieved the rank of PUSSY![/drop]

Worst Words In The English Language - providencecrow - 07-11-2008

There is no such thing as a bad word in the English language. I don't discriminate, if i know a word, i will use it.

Worst Words In The English Language - peachs - 07-11-2008

towlette sorta sucks.. if it's a towel it needs to not be 'ette'

Worst Words In The English Language - providencecrow - 07-12-2008

Peachs Wrote:towlette sorta sucks.. if it's a towel it needs to not be 'ette'

Thats because its french

Worst Words In The English Language - peachs - 07-12-2008

how about 'teen'.... the whole span of those years sucked for me

Worst Words In The English Language - Titan! - 07-13-2008

I've never been a fan of the word, twat, or fishy smelling taco.