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Blue Beauty - Printable Version

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Blue Beauty - Biff - 12-05-2008


Very cool collection of pictures from outer space.

No, it's not a rick roll nor will anything jump out at you.

Blue Beauty - Rock Monster - 12-05-2008

very cool

Blue Beauty - plungerhand - 12-05-2008


...except for the fake space shuttle/station pics. j/k

Blue Beauty - Queenie - 12-05-2008

Wow, that was really cool!

Blue Beauty - skc7280 - 12-05-2008

Very beautiful. Especially love the ones at night with all the city lights.

Blue Beauty - -Jiggy- - 12-05-2008

Those astronauts must have a pretty boring job. Same old Earth to look at every day? Give me a cubicle and some TPS reports and i'm good.

Blue Beauty - skc7280 - 12-05-2008

uuummm yeah. I'm gonna need you to come on in on Sunday too.

Blue Beauty - -Jiggy- - 12-05-2008

KYweedgrl Wrote:uuummm yeah. I'm gonna need you to come on in on Sunday too.
F**kin' A, man!

Blue Beauty - moobsminger - 12-05-2008

KYweedgrl Wrote:Very beautiful. Especially love the ones at night with all the city lights.

me too


I hope these pictures remind us of why we need to stand together as one to defend this Blue Beauty when the aliens come to wipe us out and steal our resources.

"We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight!"

Blue Beauty - -Jiggy- - 12-05-2008

Moobs Minger Wrote:I hope these pictures remind us of why we need to stand together as one to defend this Blue Beauty when the aliens come to wipe us out and steal our resources.

"We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight!"

Wait.....what just happened here? Undecided

Blue Beauty - zetsyuk - 12-06-2008

jus' P Wrote:bleautiful....

...except for the fake space shuttle/station pics. j/k


Blue Beauty - linzi - 12-06-2008

very nice. I love space. although, when I first saw the 2 planets side by side, I thought they would morph into space boobies or something...can never be too careful on this forum! j/k

Blue Beauty - jerseygirl - 12-06-2008

Awesome! I'm going to pass it along to some of the science teachers I work with.

It's very humbling...and beautiful.