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sunglass straps, vanity plates, and douche bags
Over the past couple years I have been compiling a list of reason to negatively judge someone at first sight. You could also call this list "Signs That You Are A Douche Bag". I share it with you now due to the parallels with recent installments of "What Hot Wings Thinks". This is the original order in which they presented themselves to me.

1. Your sunglasses have a strap on them, making it easy to hang them around your neck. (exception: You're in Malibu during the 80's and you happen to be checking out a bitchin' new windsurfer.)

2. You've ever watched Nip/Tuck and thought "I should dress like Christian Troy, he's a stud."

3. You have a Kerry/Edwards sticker on your car, or other failed presidential hopefuls.

4. You have a vanity plate, no if ands or buts.

5. If your car has fake bullet hole stickers.

6. You wear sunglasses inside, take them off jackass. Sorry no exceptions here.

7. More then 10% of you daily dialogs is a quote from a Will Ferrell movie. Yes he is very funny but you repeating those funny lines is not, knock it f-ing off.

That's the list as of right now. And now to end this post in "What Hot Wings Thinks" fashion.

Like Kevin Matthews said, "Checkout my new vanity plate, it says "KEVHEAD" and have you seen my sunglasses, they were hanging around my neck."

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