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Dumbest things you've ever done drunk
Mad Dog Wrote:This is in honor of Hot Wings getting blasted at Radio Conference last weekend.

Back in 1987 me and six of my friends bought Eighteen bottles of Boons farm to split between us and hit the road. We were out cruising the country roads in in central Michigan up by CMU and we found an old abandon farm house to play in.

I think about four of us, including myself, were big into playing Dungeon and Dragons, as the night progressed and we steadily got drunker, me and this other guy started to revert into our D&D characters. Since the character I played was a goodie two shoes called a "Paladin" (for those of you who don't know D&D speak a paladin is a knight who can't help himself but to run around and do good deeds) and my drunk buddy also played a paladin, Our empty wine bottles became swords and we ran up and down the road in front of the old house laughing and yelling "Smite the EEEVIL!!!"

It was getting dark about that time And two of the girls that were with our party came screaming out of the house "We saw a Ghost!!, we saw a Ghost!!!" They were acting like they like they were scared out of their minds. We took this as a challenge and drunkenly sprinted up into the house to kill a ghost or two.

[drop] And now he's dead [drop]
Wowie Groovie !

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