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Snakes Vs Spiders
Queenie - Wolf Spiders are brown, not black. But yeah, they can be impressively large.

I've had my share of random spider bites along the way, but I've always thought the snake bites were pretty cool. The first was a 3 foot python I was playing with. Apparently he didn't like the idea of me teasing him with a necktie to get him to strike. The second was only about a year or so ago, when I found a garter snake and wanted to see him up close, so I picked him up the way I usually do - pin down behind the head and pinch the neck so he can't turn back on you - well that little f'er got away from me and struck back at my hand.

Sometimes I think it would be better to get hit by a venomous snake. At least that's over somewhat quickly. Non-venmous bites hurt for days.

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