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Dumbest things you've ever done drunk
Queenie Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:You married a dude ?

(waiting to see if anyone get's that)

Well Titan eveybody calls their soon-to-be spouse a fiance, eventhough if you looked it up in the dictionary the meaning would be "a man engaged to be married". Geez . . . you are bored, huh? Tongue oh and lookin for a fight!! j/k Wink

Fiance refers to the man? What's the proper term for the woman?
Queenie Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:You married a dude ?

(waiting to see if anyone get's that)

Well Titan eveybody calls their soon-to-be spouse a fiance, eventhough if you looked it up in the dictionary the meaning would be "a man engaged to be married". Geez . . . you are bored, huh? Tongue oh and lookin for a fight!! j/k Wink

potthole Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:Well Titan eveybody calls their soon-to-be spouse a fiance, eventhough if you looked it up in the dictionary the meaning would be "a man engaged to be married". Geez . . . you are bored, huh? Tongue oh and lookin for a fight!! j/k Wink

Fiance refers to the man? What's the proper term for the woman?

Fiance is male (sometimes with the accent over the e)

Fiancee (usually with that frilly french thingy over the last e) is female

Is it just me or does anyone else notice that hangovers from sweet/fruity drinks like wine are much worse and tend to last longer than hangovers from straight alcohol ?

Also, any truth to the idea that cheap shit like 5 O'clock gives worse hangovers than the good stuff like makers or Grey Goose ?

Generally I've found that the cheap stuff is bad going in, and hurts much more later on.

Also Also wik, hangovers ? Worse as we get older ?
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:
Queenie Wrote:Well Titan eveybody calls their soon-to-be spouse a fiance, eventhough if you looked it up in the dictionary the meaning would be "a man engaged to be married". Geez . . . you are bored, huh? Tongue oh and lookin for a fight!! j/k Wink

potthole Wrote:Fiance refers to the man? What's the proper term for the woman?

Fiance is male (sometimes with the accent over the e)

Fiancee (usually with that frilly french thingy over the last e) is female

Is it just me or does anyone else notice that hangovers from sweet/fruity drinks like wine are much worse and tend to last longer than hangovers from straight alcohol ?

Also, any truth to the idea that cheap shit like 5 O'clock gives worse hangovers than the good stuff like makers or Grey Goose ?

Generally I've found that the cheap stuff is bad going in, and hurts much more later on.

Also Also wik, hangovers ? Worse as we get older ?

you might be right my friend... that's how it is for meeeee

not to mention, a night of just beer gives a far less horrid hangover than a night of redbull and rum or vodka
Mad Dog Wrote:We loved the booze and weed was always plentiful.

Tree hugging hippie. :Smile
Titan ! Wrote:Is it just me or does anyone else notice that hangovers from sweet/fruity drinks like wine are much worse and tend to last longer than hangovers from straight alcohol ?

Also, any truth to the idea that cheap shit like 5 O'clock gives worse hangovers than the good stuff like makers or Grey Goose ?

Generally I've found that the cheap stuff is bad going in, and hurts much more later on.

Also Also wik, hangovers ? Worse as we get older ?

Oh my gosh you just reminded me of my Grey Goose wreck . . .that crap will sneak up on you (kinda like that telephone pole that "jumped" out in front of me). Yikes.

On the fruity drinks/wine . . . I think that's why I don't drink them. I like JD coolers, but I'm beginning to think they don't like me!!
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
One of the worst drunkages i've ever had was with merlot. Not too long after my big break up, I decided that a bottle or merlot sounded nice, and it was. but by the 3rd bottle I realized I was in waaayyyyyy over my head. (This was also one of my first instances of drunken emailing) I was sharing a house with my brother and decided that I was going to go outside to get sick because I didnt want to wake him up.

That stuff is like a GD velvet sledgehammer.
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:One of the worst drunkages i've ever had was with merlot. Not too long after my big break up, I decided that a bottle or merlot sounded nice, and it was. but by the 3rd bottle I realized I was in waaayyyyyy over my head. (This was also one of my first instances of drunken emailing) I was sharing a house with my brother and decided that I was going to go outside to get sick because I didnt want to wake him up.

That stuff is like a GD velvet sledgehammer.
Wine ALWAYS made me sick.... As sophisticated as it made me feel to drink it, it always made me puke...
boizalynne Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:One of the worst drunkages i've ever had was with merlot. Not too long after my big break up, I decided that a bottle or merlot sounded nice, and it was. but by the 3rd bottle I realized I was in waaayyyyyy over my head. (This was also one of my first instances of drunken emailing) I was sharing a house with my brother and decided that I was going to go outside to get sick because I didnt want to wake him up.

That stuff is like a GD velvet sledgehammer.
Wine ALWAYS made me sick.... As sophisticated as it made me feel to drink it, it always made me puke...

It always gives me a headache before I can even begin to feel the alcohol.
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
G4 just reported that A sandwich made with Burnt toast, eggs and bacon is a great hangover cure. They also recommended sugar water and B vitamins
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:G4 just reported that A sandwich made with Burnt toast, eggs and bacon is a great hangover cure. They also recommended sugar water and B vitamins
O'Tooles on bridge st. in GR has a hang over burger which has bacon, eggs, lettuce, tomato, pickle, fries, swiss, cheddar and a homemade bloody mary sauce. I haven't had it but have heard it's pretty awesome!
Quote of the Day:
"I'm here working for the people. I'm causing dissent, stirring the pot, getting people to question the whole rotten system." - George Costanza
Wine creeps up on me like an ambush by the Viet Kong in 'Nam. I'll feel fine as I'm drinking it, barely feeling as though I've had any alcohol, and then BOOM! Out of nowhere it knocks me on my butt.
dino Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:G4 just reported that A sandwich made with Burnt toast, eggs and bacon is a great hangover cure. They also recommended sugar water and B vitamins
O'Tooles on bridge st. in GR has a hang over burger which has bacon, eggs, lettuce, tomato, pickle, fries, swiss, cheddar and a homemade bloody mary sauce. I haven't had it but have heard it's pretty awesome!
[Image: eck03.gif]
Hey doc, do you know the address of that place?
Oh, you know, I do know the address. It's at the corner of go fuck yourself and buy a map!
Give me a couple bottle of cold water, 3 aspirin, and 2 cups of strong coffee, and then I'll be ready for some breakfast, usually high protein, and i'm ready to go.

back to bed
Wowie Groovie !
Titan ! Wrote:Give me ....high protein, and i'm ready to go.

back to bed

i bet Wink
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
I don't get to stupid...a little loud and a little handsy...doesn't really matter who i'm handsy with either.

Once my wife was driving me to meet some of my buddies and their wives at the bar....luckily she went that time cause on the way out the door i took a huge gulp from everyones glass after i pounded the last half of mine. Then kissed my highschool buddy (Ryan) on the cheek and left.

Wife just shook her head at me.....Ryan needed to shave
"Golf requires goofy pants and a fat ass. You should talk to my neighbor the accountant. Probably a great golfer. Huge ass!"
In Puerto Vallarta, I was hanging in a club with 2 girls I met on the plane ride down. We were drining talking and what not, I got up to get another round of drinks, when I came back there was some dude at our table, I being the friendly drunk said HEY THERE ! and shook his hand. He passed a drink of something to one of the girls and she looked at it dubiously, and slid it to me. I took it and slammed it, the dude looked a bit pissed, and fortunately for me, I wasn't drunk enough to completely lose all my senses, I did the Coyote Ugly, shot and spit trick and spit whatever it was into my Corona bottle. Big fun drunk me just might have saved a girl from getting GHB'd
Wowie Groovie !
Fistor Wrote:
Mad Dog Wrote:We loved the booze and weed was always plentiful.

Tree hugging hippie. :Smile

yes, my life was alot different back then, I'm alot older and hopefuly wiser, but I doubt it.
"Sir, You need to get out of your car, there is a train comming."
"Why ummm... uhhh did you ummm... feel the need to errrrr, god why can't I type!!"
Right now I'm about halfway to happy upside down land, but I'm stopping here for the night.
Wowie Groovie !
I was drinking with a friend and told him that i thought his girlfriend was hot and that she had nice knockers and asked him if she would F me i quickly replied with because i'd F her he punched me in the head then i threw up and passed out
conebone69 Wrote:I was drinking with a friend and told him that i thought his girlfriend was hot and that she had nice knockers and asked him if she would F me i quickly replied with because i'd F her he punched me in the head then i threw up and passed out

??? how bout a comma or a period! Hate to be your 4th grade teacher but...
brytn Wrote:
conebone69 Wrote:I was drinking with a friend and told him that i thought his girlfriend was hot and that she had nice knockers and asked him if she would F me i quickly replied with because i'd F her he punched me in the head then i threw up and passed out

??? how bout a comma or a period! Hate to be your 4th grade teacher but...

Not to be the grammar police, but I gotta agree with Brytn here, Cone, just a little basic grammar will make your posts more readable for everyone.
Wowie Groovie !
My 19th birthday party.

My friends and I each had a friend buy our own bottle.

There were 5 of us and we had two bottles of vodka, one bottle of durango, and a bottle of bacardi, and mine was a bottle of 151.

We each were supposed to share, but i got a little greedy with my bottle. (which tends to happen when i'm drinking) so, i pounded it and we got into the biggest chick fight you have ever seen.

When that was over, we made up and everyone but me went to their boyfriend to get a lil somthin. so i went with my best option, some random guy from work. well i ended up waking up next to him screaming my head off because i was scared of what i had done. when he calmed me down, i was hyper-ventalating so bad i threw up on him.

I haven't talked to him since, and haven't drank since.

THere is my story.
I threw up in a hotel lobby but was able to make it to the elevator before any staff noticed. Then I threw up on my friend. She was less than thrilled.
I am the irrepressible dark horse.
Film it. Listen to it. Live it. Love it.

All the best,
The Mayor of Awesometown
jaydethespaz Wrote:When that was over, we made up and everyone but me went to their boyfriend to get a lil somthin. so i went with my best option, some random guy from work. well i ended up waking up next to him screaming my head off because i was scared of what i had done. when he calmed me down, i was hyper-ventalating so bad i threw up on him.

I haven't talked to him since, and haven't drank since.

THere is my story.

Poor guy. Wink
Wowie Groovie !
I drank way too much at a bowling alley and ate a penny..... I don't know why, but in retro.... not cool.
streaking... I was drunk once a few years ago and streaked... even tried to get on the 22 bus (UIUC) naked...
conebone69 Wrote:I was drinking with a friend and told him that i thought his girlfriend was hot and that she had nice knockers and asked him if she would F me i quickly replied with because i'd F her he punched me in the head then i threw up and passed out

...and then you woke up and posted this story on here? :Smile
Slept with a boss... not a good thing at all. Found out later his girlfriend was a friend of mine in high school. Maine is too small, everyone knows everyone hmmph
ashleykme Wrote:Slept with a boss... not a good thing at all. Found out later his girlfriend was a friend of mine in high school. Maine is too small, everyone knows everyone hmmph
I've had something like this happen to me... but I wasn't drunk....
I forgot about the time I was drunk at a bon fire and was using my car to haul people to my house to use the bathroom, I though
Wiener Poopie 2.0! Now fatter and less credible!
I have 2 stories of drunken stupidness.

The first was at my brothers High School graduation. We were sitting around and most of the family had already gotten 3-4 shots in and realized I wasn't drinking so they started putting on the pressure to get me drunk. Finally one of them got some money out and mixed a cup (24 oz) of 2 shots of everything on the table, starting with 151 and cabo wabo tequila.

Knowing that I have a habit of not turning down a bet, he bet me $20 bucks that I couldn't slam the cup without pausing.. and I took the bet and won.

Fast forward 45 minutes and I'm on the verge of passing out and they are taking bets how far I am going to puke. I'm sitting at a table with my brother and on it is a bowl of salsa and next to it a bag of chips. I'm told that all of a sudden, I laughed, slammed my hand down on the salsa and it sprayed into my brothers eyes.

Luckily at least one person was sober enough to rinse his eyes out.

The second was at my aunt/uncles house and we were celebrating over Memorial Day weekend.

I lost count of shots (mostly Jagermeister and Cabo Wabo Tequila) at 22. At some point I picked up the Jager and started slamming it til someone took it away.

I was screwing around in my happy drunken state and went and laid in my younger cousins bed and was laying there for a few minutes, possibly fell asleep when all of a sudden (and this is on video and is hilarious) I bolted upright, screamed the Japanese were invading, and fell out of the bed.
What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.
If that had happened on dec 6 1941 that might have been helpful
Wowie Groovie !
Voted for George Bush in 2000.
I was hammered and decided it was the perfect time to cast my absentee ballot.
Unfortunately, at the time I would have voted for him sober, but at least now I can
use the flawless "because I was drunk" defense. Either way, it's the dumbest thing
I've ever done drunk.... or sober.
Titan ! Wrote:If that had happened on dec 6 1941 that might have been helpful

It would have been the morning of the 7th, but a forewarning would have been appreciated
Titan ! Wrote:
jaydethespaz Wrote:When that was over, we made up and everyone but me went to their boyfriend to get a lil somthin. so i went with my best option, some random guy from work. well i ended up waking up next to him screaming my head off because i was scared of what i had done. when he calmed me down, i was hyper-ventalating so bad i threw up on him.

I haven't talked to him since, and haven't drank since.

THere is my story.

Poor guy. Wink

Yea but a couple days ago i found out that he was using me to get at his preggo girlfriend's last nerve so i don't feel bad for him, i feel bad for her that she's in the same boat i am.

procreated with an indecent a-hole!
jaydethespaz Wrote:
Titan ! Wrote:Poor guy. Wink

Yea but a couple days ago i found out that he was using me to get at his preggo girlfriend's last nerve so i don't feel bad for him, i feel bad for her that she's in the same boat i am.

procreated with an indecent a-hole!

Yeah, what a dicktard. I'm glad you puked on him. Asswad.
Wowie Groovie !

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