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am i wrong?
hotzester Wrote:Ignoring the fact that you're obsessed with my opinion on those who are too lazy to formulate a grammatically accurate thought, and completely disregarding your apparent decision to not wish to present yourself as intelligent, let me try to explain this to you in terms you might be able to understand.

I'm not the one posting about how smart I am, am I? He pointed out his entire class schedule, and how he's in AP classes and he's so morally superior that he can sleep through lectures on morality, then he presented evidence that completely contradicted these suggestions.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to read another thread. I'm sure you'll be two steps behind me, so I'll see you there.

Serously dude
Eff YOU!!!!!
I really mean that. I had no intention of demeaning you. I was just pointing out the fact you need to relax with it, the kid was kind of stupid yea, but there is no need to constantly point out the fact that people are stupid. It makes you just look like a dick. I am getting Effing tired of you trying to call me stupid just because you think you are better than me. I was trying to kid around with you. I would talk to titan in the same way when he was here and well he rolled with it instead of insulting people who spoke against him.

You are starting to become a true a-hole here though. I dont Effing care what you do, but there is no reason to constantly come out and call me stupid. Do you do this to try to compinsate for the fact that you are a total failure IRL.

this shit is absurd, I have had no problems like this with anyone but you. I go on here and try to joke around with others, just talking shit for the fun of it, but you come here and feel the need to constantly challenge the intelligence of people. I am Effing tired of seeing you say shit to anyone, let alone talk shit to me. Just Eff OFF already.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
I have to agree with Hotzester about typing grammatically correct and spelling to the best of your abilities, especially when you are trying to agrue a point that takes some sort of intelligence. Arguing/ debating with someone and trying to sound like you have half a brain comes across a lot clearer if you use actual words. Trying to get your point across to someone on the internet is hard enough, why sound like an idiot and type like you're texting someone on their cell phone. There's a perfectly good keyboard in front of you, all the keys are ready for use, you don't have to press the number 5 three times to get to the letter "L".
lol Hello again.

I'm interested by your theory that I called you stupid. Actually, if you read the words that I wrote, all of which are spelled correctly, I was directing my comment at the original poster. One has to wonder, though, why you'd have such an interest in him, and why you'd be so irritated by my calling HIM stupid, particularly when both of your names are Mike. (I'm not accusing you of being the same person posting under two names, really I'm not. I'm just pointing out the fact that you're taking an awful lot of offense to my generally unfavorable opinion of him, and that both of you have the same name.)

Second, why do you care what I think of you?

Third, I'm not compEnsating for anything. I don't need to. If you think I'm a dick, cool. If you think I'm hot and want to make out, cool. (I'll pass though.) It's a message board. I am who I am. I don't PRETEND to be anything I'm not. Why would I? More importantly, who WOULD?

EDIT: You are right about one thing, though. I do hate stupid people. I have zero tolerance for them. Don't worry, I'm not calling you stupid. I'm saying I don't like anyone who is.
hotzester Wrote:lol Hello again.

I'm interested by your theory that I called you stupid. Actually, if you read the words that I wrote, all of which are spelled correctly, I was directing my comment at the original poster. One has to wonder, though, why you'd have such an interest in him, and why you'd be so irritated by my calling HIM stupid, particularly when both of your names are Mike. (I'm not accusing you of being the same person posting under two names, really I'm not. I'm just pointing out the fact that you're taking an awful lot of offense to my generally unfavorable opinion of him, and that both of you have the same name.)

Second, why do you care what I think of you?

Third, I'm not compEnsating for anything. I don't need to. If you think I'm a dick, cool. If you think I'm hot and want to make out, cool. (I'll pass though.) It's a message board. I am who I am. I don't PRETEND to be anything I'm not. Why would I? More importantly, who WOULD?

EDIT: You are right about one thing, though. I do hate stupid people. I have zero tolerance for them. Don't worry, I'm not calling you stupid. I'm saying I don't like anyone who is.

Quote:gnoring the fact that you're obsessed with my opinion on those who are too lazy to formulate a grammatically accurate thought, and completely disregarding your apparent decision to not wish to present yourself as intelligent, let me try to explain this to you in terms you might be able to understand.

First off you stated i am obsessed with your opinion on the used of the english language. yeah this doesn't say it
then you say i don't present myself as intelligent.
Last time i checked that is in so many words calling someone stupid, especially when you follow it with a sentence begining with "let me try to explain this to you in terms you might be able to understand"

Now you couldn't be talking to high school boy because well he deleted his account, so who the eff were you calling stupid then?

Second of all i am not the same person, I am far from it. Ask any mod, the IPs would be completely different. Especially when i first started on the board because i would log on at my job before i got laid off. Second of all you are just a dick for trying to point out the fact that i can be some douchebag teenager.

You are truly an a-hole.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
Thanks! Good to see you again.

To answer your question - I was replying to YOU when you attacked my response to the original poster. It's tough to keep up, I know.

Why do you seek my approval so badly?
I don't seek your approval. I just wish you would stop being an a-hole and calling everyone stupid.
It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.
[spoiler]Shit, you took away the black bar. Put it the fuck back now![/spoiler]
I didn't. I called the original poster stupid. Then you got all huffy and I turned my sights on you, so I went after you because you were the one who stood up and got my attention.

Check your PMs, by the way.
All of this could be resolved if people used Firefox which has an automatic spell check.

It is ironic, though, that the word "Firefox" is spell-checked by itself!


I'm glad you gentlemen took this to PM.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
mikesmalltalk Wrote:ahh, comon?? thats the funniest thing you could add to my post?? you should be ashamed of urself, 1st i embarass you soo now ur tryin to get revenge by adding stuff to mine, WAY TO GO, looks like we have a good group here

As I look back at this post, is he accusing me of going in and editing his posts to make him look like more of a dumbass? That's a hoot!

He did a great enough job of that himself, there wasn't any need for me to go and pull a stunt like that.

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