09-06-2007, 09:14 AM
I could go on a nice diatribe concerning the Eastern Euorpean Pornstar Invasion (or EEP's for short) See, for my money they are the best looking on the whole. I love chicks wit z thick Russian aczents. They start talkin dirty, I'm poppin before long. Problem is they rarely open their mouth or anything else, not a peeps z's fucking EEP's (<<<this here in retrospect this was a disgusting, disgracful joke and set up, I let it stand to shame me and motivate me to do better). Very few easties will give you a good show when zey fuck (eg. the aforemention Monica Sweetheart or as I like to call her: Monica the Moaning Metronome). Overall, Russians are dirty dirty people, but they can make babies that blossom. The most gorgeous woman on Earth happens to be an EEP. She's not z best looking woman amoung EEP's, nor all pornstars, nor woman on film, but ON EARTH (imo) and she is......I think I'll let you hang for when I feel like posting a proper review.