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04-03-2010, 10:23 AM
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Forum: I can't wait to talk about........
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04-02-2010, 11:47 PM
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Forum: I can't wait to talk about........
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04-02-2010, 07:51 PM
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Joe the Tool |
Posted by: fistor!@# - 10-30-2008, 07:45 AM - Forum: The Touchy Subject Forum
- Replies (9)
This was talked about on the show, and is also linked on the FBHW main page. Joe the Plumber gets raked over the coals by Sheppard Smith about why he agreed with a reporter who said if Obama was elected, it would mean death to Israel.
Props to Fox for not giving into every slanderous thing said about Obama and taking a stand against outright stupidity.
Also, clearly Joe the Plumber (who has said he'd actually get a tax cut under Obama) is only on the campaign trail now because he's the guy that is actually allowed to outright slander Obama and get away with it. Doesn't matter how wrong he is, or that the McCain camp quickly steps back from his comments, it's out there and hardcore conservatives will buy it hook, line, and sinker. Not that those people were going to vote for Obama either way, but they can easily spread the lie to people who are on the fence.
Congrats on your 15 minutes, Joey. How's it feel to be used?
Also, very graceful, John. Same guy who whined about Obama's negative campaign ads in the last debate. You stay classy, douchebag.
Thinking about getting the podcast for free? |
Posted by: moobsminger - 10-29-2008, 10:30 PM - Forum: Podcasting and other technical issues
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Not too long ago, the guys talked about where the podcast money goes, and I thought it would be a good idea to share the information to those who didn't hear it, especially for those who are considering or are already getting the podcast for free.
Of course it would be hypocritical to post this without permission, so I emailed the show, and Free Beer said it was okay to use the clip.
Other that that, the audio should explain the rest.
Retail chains apparently do not want my money |
Posted by: providencecrow - 10-29-2008, 06:05 PM - Forum: I can't wait to talk about........
- Replies (12)
This is a combination of an infuriated rant and general good information for all who happen to take 5 seconds to read this. Whether you actually care or not, the video game fallout 3 came out yesterday. So today, on my lunch break i visited the local Best Buy, and Gamestop, and then after work i went to Target and Circuit City, and not a single effing one of these stores would sell me the game.
This is because all of the major retail chains have implemented some "Street Date" garbage that is not set by the manufacturer but by the corporate office. The street date between these four stores varied between sometime this friday and next thursday. The aggravating part of it is that in each store, there was a stack of about 50 copies just sitting there. I essentially had the same argument at all 4 stores:
Me: "Can i get a copy of fallout 3?"
Them: "do you have a preorder?"
Me: "No"
Them: "Well then we cant sell you one"
Me: "You have a stack of 50 right there"
Them: "Yeah but its for preorders only"
Me: "Well then let me buy a preorder"
Them: "You cant preorder a game thats already out"
Me: "Well if its out sell me a copy"
Them: "We cant you dont have a preorder"
And yes, at 3 of the 4 locations they did actually say "You can't preorder a game that is already out".
Just for shits and giggles, i called up a local shop thats just owned by some random guy and the conversation went a little bit differently:
Me: "Do you have any copies of Fallout 3?"
Him: "Yes, about 30"
Me: "If i walked in there today would you sell me a copy?"
Him: "I have them here to sell, so yes"
So basically, if these major retailers don't want my money, then they are never getting it again, at least in regards to video games. I don't really have a problem like buying socks at Target still. Sorry that went a little long, but i'm just spreading the word that these companies are retarded and not really worth anyone's money.
That is all, so lets all have a beer or 3
aggitated, need an opinion |
Posted by: lokizilla - 10-29-2008, 10:53 AM - Forum: The Touchy Subject Forum
- Replies (48)
A friend is lecturing me, because I may or may not be pregnant, and she is trying to talk me into breastfeeding.... I don't want to, but why throw out "Are you afraid you can't?" How about "no, I have my reasons and I don't want to...."